
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Amateur radio DX News

Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

3B7 - The various logistical arrangements for the 7-24 September 3B7C operation from St. Brandon have been confirmed, a detailed site survey of the QTH (Isle du Sud) has been made, the container of gear has been shipped and everything is looking good.
Amateur radio activity on 6 metres is not normally allowed from Mauritius and its outlying islands, but the group has been able to gain a short-term permit, limited to three fixed frequencies: 50090 (CW), 50102 (CW), 50145 (USB).
Bob, N6OX has joined the team, but they still have a vacancy for one team member to bring the total team to 20. "We are seeking a team player and an outstanding operator who is ideally known to one of the current 3B7C team members", says G3XTT ( "A 6m specialist would be particularly welcome". Keep an eye on the web site (, which continues to be updated on a regular basis.
The full press release no. 5, issued on 24 July, will be published in the next 425 Magazine ( l) [TNX G3XTT]

4O - Emir, 9A6AA, plans to be active on the bands as 4O6AA from Sveti Nikola Island (EU-163) between 13 and 19 August ( ). QSL via home call, direct. [TNX 9A6AA]

5B - C4MG is the callsign the Nicosia Amateur Radio Club will be using during the IOTA Contest [425DXN 821]. Operations will take place from Agios Georgios (AS-120); the group expects to be QRV as 5B4NC/p with two stations on 27 July in the local afternoon. QSL for both calls via 5B4KH, direct or bureau. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]

9A - Giuseppe, IK5WWA will operate as 9A/IK5WWA from Solta Island (EU-016, IOCA CI-126) from 25 August to 1 September. He also plan to go and operate from one or more nearby islets: Balkun (CI-155), Grmej (CI-395), Komicic (CI-new), Polebrnjak (CI-394), Radula (CI-206), Saskinja (CI-396), Stipanska (CI-213). QSL via home call. [TNX IK5WWA]

CE - Sergio, CE3CMZ and Hector, CE3FZL will be active as CE4S and CE4T from Topocalma lighthouse (ARLHS CHI-076) on 17-19 August. They plan to operate SSB only on 40, 20 and 10 metres. QSL via EA5KB. [TNX CE3FZL]

CE - Carlos, CE6AMN and the DX Group of Radio Club Villarrica (CE6RCV) will be active as XR4C from the lighthouse at Cabo Carranza (ARLHS CHI-005) on 18-19 August for the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend. They plan to operate SSB and CW on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL direct to CE6AMN. [TNX CE6AMN]

CO - Edor, CO7PH works at the airport on Cayo Coco, one of the two main islands in the Camaguey Archipelago (NA-086), and has been given permission to operate from nearby Cayo Paredon Grande. He plans to be active on 28-29 July on various bands (mainly 17 and 20 metres) SSB, possibily with some CW. QSL via W3HNK. [TNX VA7DJ]

CT - Jose/CT1APE, Lopes/CT1CJJ, Manuel/CT1DSC, Jose/CT1EEB, Luis/CT1EEQ, Carlos/CT1END and Filipe/CT1ILT will participate in the IOTA Contest as CQ7P from Pessegueiro Island (EU-167). QSL via CS1GDX. The day before the contest they will be signing homecall/p [TNX CT1ILT]

F - Special event call TM0FIL will be aired on all bands and modes from 30 July to 12 August for the 36th Festival Inter-celtique de Lorient ). QSL via F6KPQ. [TNX F8REF]

FG - David, F1JXQ will be active as FG/F1JXQ from Guadeloupe (NA-102) on 4-20 August. He operates SSB and is likely to be found on 10-6 metres and 2m between 10 and 16 UTC. QSL direct to home call. [TNX F1JXQ]

FW - Mike, KM9D and Jan, KF4TUG have been granted permission to operate as FW0MO and FW0YL from Nukutapu, Wallis Islands (OC-054). They will participate in the IOTA Contest as FW0YL (SSB and CW) and their plans are to remain active "for some subsequent period" following the IOTA event. QSL for both via OM2SA and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]

GM - Andre, GM3VLB plans to operate from five Scottish islands starting on 27 July: Eilean Hoan (EU-123), Rabbit Island (EU-123), Eilean Nan Ron (EU-123), Neave Island (EU-005) and Stroma Island (EU-123). The trip is weather dependent. "I am determined to make every reasonable effort to activate all five islands" Andre says, "but there can be no guarantees".

HC8 - Manu, LX2LX and Norby, LX1NO are active as HC8/LX2LX and HC8/LX1NO from Isabela Island, Galapagos (SA-004) until 31 July. It is a low profile holiday style operation, mainly CW with some occasional SSB. QSL via LX1NO. On-line log at (also give a look to for the HC8/HD8 DX Diploma). [TNX NE8Z]

I - ARI Ancona will operate special station IY6GM from Monte Cappuccini (WAIL MA-003, ARLHS ITA-104) between 5 and 19 August. The activity will celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the experiments carried out by Guglielmo Marconi from that place. QSL via QSL via I6GFX, direct or bureau. [TNX I6GFX]

I - Alberto, IT9MRM will operate SSB on the HF bands from Isola delle Palme (EU-025, IIA SR-010) on 6-8 August. QSL direct or bureau. [TNX IT9MRM]

I - Marco, IZ6ASI will participate in the International Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (18-19 August) as IZ6ASI/p from the lighthouse at Senigallia (ARLHS ITA-181, WAIL MA-004). Exepct activity on 10, 15, 20, 40 and 80 metres SSB. [TNX IZ6ASI]

IS0 - Tano, IZ8GCB will be active as IS0/homecall from Sardinia (EU-024) on 1-19 August. He plans to operate CW and SSB on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IZ8GCB]

JA - Look for Takeshi, JI3DST to participate in the IOTA Contest as JI3DST/JI3 from Ki-ooshima (AS-117). After the contest, until 1 August, he will operate as JI3DST/3 from Honshu (AS-007) and give out three Guns and one City to JCC (Japan Century Cities) and JCG (Japan Century Guns) chasers. QSL via bureau only to home call. [TNX JI3DST]

LU - The Bahia Blanca DX Group ( ) will operate on all bands and modes from four different lighthouses on 17-19 August for the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend. Expect them to be using LR3DX from Rincon Lighthouse (ARLHS ARG-036), LU3DXG from Baliza Tripoede (ARLHS ARG-1884) and LU6XA from Cabo Blanco Lighthouse (ARLHS ARG-001), while the operators at Recalada Lighthouse (ARLHS ARG-009) will be signing homecall/D. QSLs via LU7DSY. For information on the relevant awards, please contact [TNX LU9ESD]

OH - UA1ANA and UA1ATI will operate as OH2DZ from Kuutsalo Island (EU-140, see RI1GK below) on 28-29 July. QSL via RV1AQ. [TNX UA1ATI]

ON - Special callsign ON14CS will be aired from La Croix-Scaille in the Belgian Ardennes on 17-24 August to celebrate 14 years of co-operation between the Belgian UBA Section Ronse (ON4RSX) and the French Radio Club Neuville-de-Poitou (F5KFL). Expect activity on the HF bands, 6 metres and VHF. QSL via bureau. [TNX ON7WZ]

OZ - Look for Jens, DL8WOW to be active as OZ/DL8WOW from Bornholm Island (EU-030) on 5-17 August. He plans to operate mainly CW on 40-10 metres. QSL via home call. [TNX ]

PA - Six operators from the Flying Dutch DX Group will participate in the IOTA Contest as PI4HQ/p from Schouwen Duiveland (EU-146). QSL via PA3CAL, direct or bureau. [TNX PA0ABM]

PA - PA3CNI and PA3AAF will be active from Old Kraggenburg lighthouse (ARLHS NET-158) on 18-19 August for the International Lighthouse & Lighship Weekend. They plan to operate mostly CW with some SSB. QSL via home calls. [TNX PA3CNI]

TA - Ozer, TA2RC and Mustafa, TA2MW will be active from Kefken Island (AS-159, KN51DF) on 26-30 July. They plan to concentrate on working North America, South America, Japan and other possible DX areas, and will also operate on 6 and 2 metres. They will participate int he IOTA Contest as YM0T (CW only, QSL via TA2RC) and TC2T (SSB only, QSL via TA2MW). [TNX TA2RC]

TK - Look for TK/DL2RMC and TK/DL1RTL to be active from Corsica (EU-014) from 30 July to 8 August. They plan to operate holiday style on all bands SSB, CW and digital modes. A side trip to the EU-164 IOTA group might be possible. QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]

UA - RN1AW, RX1AW, RV1AQ and UA1AJM will be active as RI1GK (SSB and CW) from Gogland Island (EU-133) until 30 July. This operation commemorates the events back in 1900, when the crew of the battleship "General-Admiral Apraksin" was rescued in the Gulf of Finland as a result of distress call relayed by Alexander S. Popov's radio system between the islands of Kuutsalo (see OH2DZ above) and Gogland. QSL via RV1AQ. [TNX UA1ATI]

UA - A large group of operators (namely RA3CW, RA4HNB, RA4HTX, RK1AM, RK3FA, RV1AC, RV2FW/1, RW3DO, RZ3FA and UA6BGB) are active as RK1B/P from Kotlin Island (EU-133) until 30 July. They will participate in the IOTA Contest as RI1CA. QSL via operator's instructions.

UA - Artem/UA3MQM, Dmitriy/RA3MF, Dmitriy/RW3MR, Oleg/RA1AR, Dmitriy (ex UA3MLH), Alex/RA3MR and Svetlana/UA3MQL will operate as RK3MWL/1 from Kotlin island (EU-133) on 27-30 July, IOTA Contest included. QSL via UA3MQM [TNX UA3MQM]

UA - Igor/RW0LBM, Vlado/UA0LCZ, Alex/RU0LM and Andy/RW0LC will be active as UE0LAA from Chikhachev Island (RR-16-09, IOTA status to be determined) on 1-7 August. QSL via UA0LCZ, direct or bureau. [TNX UA0LCZ]

UA - Mike/UA1QV, Albert/UA1PBU and Victor/RA1QKI will be active for five days from Chaichiy Island (EU-160) next month, with possible stops on Zelenyy and/or Dolgiy islands (EU-102), Sengeyskiy and/or Timanets Island (EU-188), and Kolguev Island (EU-085). The trip will take place between approximately 3 and 25 August. QSL via home calls. [TNX UA1QV]

UR - UR5FAV, US0ZZ, UT5ZC, UT7UT, UX0FF, ER3DW, ER3DX, ER3OO and ER3ZZ will participate in the IOTA Contest as EM5F from Ankudinov Island (EU-182). They will be there on 27-30 July. QSL EM5F via UX0FF, direct or bureau. QSL for contacts made outside the contest via home call. [TNX UX0FF]

UR - Special event callsing EM15B will be aired on 1-31 August to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Ternopil Amateur Radio Club. Club members will also operate as EM15B/A from various districts of Ternopil region for the Ukrainian Regional Districts Award ( ). QSL via UT1BC. [TNX UR5BCP]

V3 - Jay, K0BCN is currently active as V31MX from Caye Caulker (NA-073), Belize until 31 July. He will operate CW and SSB on 20 metres, plus 17 and 15 metres if those bands are open. QSL via home call. [TNX The Daily DX]

VE - Fred/VE1FA and Helen/VA1YL are leading a group of operators who will be active as VE1FO/1 from Bon Portage (aka Outer Island, NA-126, CIsA NS-128) until 31 July. During the IOTA Contest they will be signing VC1W (QSL via VE1RGB, direct or bureau).

YV - An IOTA operation is being organized to take place from Las Aves de Sotavento (SA-051) in August, to celebrate the Venezuelan Navy Day. The callsign will be YW5AS. QSL via DL3AMA. [TNX 4X4-2238]
(Source; DX News # 847 via Dave Raycroft)