
Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Amateur radio DX News

Edited by I1JQJ & IK1ADH
Direttore Responsabile I2VGW

9A - Marco, IK1ACX reports he will operate from Pag Island (EU-170) on 11-18 August.

BY - A large group of operators will be active as homecall/2 (BY1TT/2, BD1PTA/2, BA3CE/2...) from JuHua Island (AS-151) on 10-12 August. QSL via BD1PTA. [TNX BA3CE]

F - Special station TM2HRH will be active on 6-19 August to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of Heinrich Rudolf Hertz. QSL via bureau to F6KTN. [TNX F1SIU]

FP - Members of the Marconi Radio Club of Newfoundland will be active as FP/VO1NA from St. Pierre & Miquelon (NA-032) on 5-7 August. Expect activity on 20, 30 and 40 metres. QSL via VO1MRC. [TNX The Daily DX]

G - Charles, M0OXO ( is again active as GB4IPY until 28 August. This is one of the IPY special callsigns celebrating the 4th International Polar Year. [TNX 9A7K]

I - ARI Frascati will activate special call IY0ORP on 11-12 August to commemorate the microwave test carried out by Guglielmo Marconi in 1932 between Capo Figari (Sardinia) and Rocca di Papa (Rome). QSL via I0DJV, direct or bureau. [TNX IK0ZCW]

I - Fabio, IW1DFU will be active as IA5/IW1DFU from Elba Island (EU-028, IIA LI-001) on 12-31 August. He expects to operate mainly CW on 20 and 30 metres, with some SSB activity on 20 and 40 metres, running 100 watts into vertical and/or dipole antennas. QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [TNX IW1DFU]

IS0 - Stefano, IK5XCT will be active as IM0/IK5XCT from Maddalena Island (EU-041, IIA OT-008) until 13 August. QSL via IK5XCT, direct or bureau (an e-mail request form for bureau cards will be available at ). [TNX IK5XCT]

IS0 - Gerry, IZ1DSH and Giovanni, IK1WEG will operate (on 10-40 metres SSB and CW, plus 6 metres) as IS0/IZ1DSH and IS0/IK1WEG from Sardinia (EU-024) on 8-20 August. Side trips as IM0/homecall to the islands of Spargi (IIA OT-021, EU-041) and Caprera (IIA OT-012, EU-041) are being planned. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [TNX IW1FGZ]

JA - Look for JI3DST/JI4 and/or JS6RRR/JI4 to be aired from Kasado-shima (AS-117) on 4 August for a few hours (3-8 UTC). QSL via bureau. [TNX JI3DST]

KL - Lanny, W5BOS [425DXN 840] arrived at Chignik Lagoon on 1 August at 23 UTC, and the weather was very bad and windy. He has made it to Unavikshak Island (W5BOS/AL0, NA-238), hopefully for a 2-day operation. In his latest report (2 August) he said that "if the wind co-operates I will make my way out to Semidi (W5BOS/KL7, NA-235) by the week-end, if not I will load up and go home". QSL via N6AWD. [TNX WD8MGQ]

OH - Jukka, OH3OJ will be active as OH3OJ/P from Kaurissalo Island (EU-096) from 8 August in the afternoon until 10 August in the late morning. [TNX OH3OJ]

SP - SP5VYI, SP5X, SP5IUK and SP5GRU will operate special station 3Z90ZIM until 30 September to celebrate the 90th anniversary of scouting in Przasnysz. QSL via SP5ZIM or SP5X. [TNX RA3AUM]

T3 - Toshi, JA8BMK will be active as T31XX from Kanton Island, Central Kiribati (OC-043) for about a couple of weeks in late October. He plans to operate SSB, CW and RTTY on 160-6 metres. He expects to leave Japan for T30 (via Fiji) in September, and to reach T31 one week after leaving T30 in mid-October. He might also visit Banaba Island and operate as T33ZZ, before or after the T31 activity. Toshi is looking for other operators who may join him and share the expenses (his e-mail address can be found at under JA8BMK). [TNX NG3K]

UA - Special callsign UE4CGT will be aired on 6-7 August from the place (RDA SA-35) where Russian cosmonaut Gherman S. Titov (1935-2000) landed 46 years ago. On 6 August 1961, he was the second man to orbit Earth; the Vostok 2 mission lasted for 25.3h and accomplished 17 earth orbits. QSL via UA4CDV. [TNX RW6HKF]

UA - Vasily/RU3SD and Alexey/UA3SGQ will be active as UE3SFF/1 from various natural reserves on 6-8 August. QSL via RU3SD, direct or bureau. [TNX UA3FDX]

UA - Nick/UE1SNA (RA1QQ), Alexey/RA1QY and Dmitriy/RN3GM plan to operate as homecall/1 from several Russian islands in the EU-162 IOTA group on 9-14 August. QSL via home calls. When operating from a lighthouse, they will be using UE1RLH/1 (QSL via RA1QY). [TNX RA1QY]

UR - Look for UR7GO/p and UR7GW/p to be active from the Sybjrski Islands (BS-15 for the Ukrainian Islands Award) on 4-5 August. [TNX UW0ZZ]

W - Members of the Old Barney ARC ( ) will be operating as N2OB from "Old Barney", the Barnegat Lighthouse (USA-039) on Long Beach Island (NA-111, USI NJ-001S) on 4 August from about 13 UTC through 21 UTC. Expect activity on 20 and 40 metres SSB. QSL via N2OB. [TNX N2OO]

W - Cory, N1URA - along with KB1IRZ, W1IF, W1SK and W1ZW - will be active from Seguin Island (NA-137) and lighthouse on 11-12 August. Theirs will be a QRP operation with CW stations using 5 watts and SSB stations using 10 watts. QSL direct to N1URA. [TNX]

XX9 - Hide, JM1LJS plans to be active again as XX9TJS from Macau, hopefully from about 9 UTC on 10 August until about 11 UTC on the 13th. Expect him to operate SSB and CW on 80-10 metres. QSL direct to JM1LJS. [TNX The Daily DX]

DX News
DXCC NEWS ---> J5UAR (Guinea-Bissau, 2007 operation) has been accepted for DXCC credit. Those who had cards rejected for this operation, can send an e-mail to and they will be placed on the list for update. [TNX NC1L]

QSL VK9DNX ---> Mario, DJ2MX reports that the last batch of direct QSL cards has been mailed out. He is now going to process the requests received via OQRS (the Online QSL Request System, ), followed by bureau cards. Those who still need a direct cards please note that 3 USD or 1 IRC are sufficient for return postage to destinations outside Europe.

QSL YU6AO ---> Acim, YT3W reports that all of the direct cards for YU6AO received between 29 January and 25 July were processed and mailed on 27 July (about 500 envelopes).

ST2A QRT ---> Jovica's (T98A, ex-T94FC) assignment in Sudan has come to an end. During the past two years he operated as ST0RM and ST2A, and made 40,660 QSOs (35,012 CW, 3386 SSB, 2249 RTTY and 13 PSK31), including 843 QSOs on 160m, 3916 on 80m and 585 on 6m. A few pictures illustrating living and working conditions in Sudanese desert enviroment are available at
His new assignement with UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is in Dakar, Senegal and will start on 1 September. Jovica's work area covers the whole West Africa and he hopes to activate most of countries in the region. Information about amateur radio activities will follow in due course. [TNX T93Y]
(Source: DX News /DX Information 425 via Dave Raycroft)