
Monday, August 13, 2007

Blog Logs

Thanks to this mornings contributors for their shortwave logs. Have you sent your in yet?

All times UTC

9624,84 Radio Fides, La Paz, 1810-1820!, August 11, Spanish, “desde el Estudio 6 de Radio Fides…..”, transmission from “Universidad Mayor de San Andres.” Local songs, SINPO 24432. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

Bolivia, 6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, 1035-1055, This station is coming on the air later each day. Tuned in at 1035 and noted Spanish comments for a minute, then into steady music. Signal was very readable. (Chuck Bolland, FL, August 3, 2007)

6348 Echo of Hope, 1100+, August 11, Korean., News read by female announcer. SINPO 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

6600 Voice of the People, 1105+, August 11, Korean. Announcements by female. SINPO 21431 with jamming noted. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

9490 Radio Free North Korea, via Taiwan, 1020-1026, August 06, Korean. Instrumental music to announcers talk. SINPO 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

9930 Radio Free North Korea (p) via KWHR, 1110+, August 11, Korean. Male announcer. SINPO 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

11965 Minivan Radio (p), 1610-1630, August 11, Vernacular/English announcers text.
Brief English text at 1620 in English/Vernacular mix. SINPO 24332.(Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

Radio Habana Cuba-RHC 9550 2248 English SIO 433 July 28 Arnie Coro with a talk on oil pollution.Lady announcers Cuban music program at 2350. Station ID into the French service at 0000. Stewart MacKenzie,CA).

BBC Word Service 13640 2200 English 433 July 31. Lady announcer with ID into World Press News program, //12095. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

4909.23, Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, 0410-0435, August 4, Spanish talk, Ecuadorian music. Weak. Presumed. (Brian Alexander, PA)

17630 Africa No. 1, Moyabi, 1550-1600, August 11, French. Afropops and to station announcement by female. SINPO 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

11990, Radio Kuwait, 1800-1905+, August 4, Tune-in to National Anthem followed by English opening announcements. Some local Arabic music & talk about Islam. US & Euro-pop music at 1814. News at 1830. Back to US pop music at 1834. Program about Kuwaiti women at 1900. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

17870, Voice of Africa, 1404-1559*, August 4, English IDs. African pop music. Talk about human rights. News at 1435-1443. Readings from the Green Book. Fair to good. // 17725 weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Malaysia, 6049.65, RTM Kajang, 1015-1029 Signal sounded better this morning with two males talking together the entire period. At 1029, HCJB comes on the air covering RTM.Signal was fair for RTM. (Chuck Bolland,FL August 3, 2007)

Malaysia, 7295, RTM, Kajang (Traxx FM Pres), 1035-1045 Noted a male in comments for a few minutes. At 1036, believe music was presented. Signal was threshold with QRM. (Chuck Bolland,FL August 3, 2007)

Captain Morgan 6924.4USB 8/6/7 2:12 SIO 222, "And the Wind Cries Mary", ID at 2:13, "We Didn't Start the Fire" (Fansome, PA/FRN #600)

Northwoods Radio 6925USB 8/6/7 1:03 SIO 222, song with a lot of guitar and a raspy voice, ID with crows at 110, "Long Twin Silver Line" with the Jackpine Savage doing voiceover. (Fansome, PA/FRN #600)

Radio Timtron via WBCQ The Planet 7415AM, 8/8/07 at 2106 tune in. Music by Blind Faith and The Doors, followed by ID’s in various voices. Music followed by “The Humor Department,” read by Timtron, including two antennas who met on a roof, got married and had a great wedding reception…SIO=454, despite fading. (Insinger, NJ/FRN #600)

Real Pirate Radio 6925USB 8/5 0132-0153* A show of classic songs, Fleetwood Mac (Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow) Doors and U2. ID was "Real Pirate Radio" followed by a slow scan TV signal. Ended with vote for Commander Bunny. (131 Majewski CT/FRW #600)

Voice of the Rock, 8/5/7, 6925AM, 21:02-2235, SIO 212 under heavy noise, ID at 21:08 (L Cee-VA/FRW #600)

9955 WRMI Radio Miami International, Miami, 1035-1045, August 11, English. “DX Party Line” with SINPO 34333. (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina)

WMLK- Bethel, PA, 9265 0005, English 222 July 30 Religious Choir music to announcer's text. > This could be WMLK and choir music. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

Zimbabwe (via Madagascar), 9765, Radio Voice of the People-VOP, *0400-0455*, August 4, Sign on with local music & opening announcements in local language. English ID announcements at 0401 followed by talk in local language. Many IDs. Short breaks of African music. English at 0439-0455, but difficult to understand due to thick accent. Closing English announcements with address & e-mail address followed by local African music to sign off. Fair to good signal. Very
weak music loop jammer heard under VOP at 0449-0455. (Brian Alexander, PA)