
Saturday, August 25, 2007

Don't interfer with what listerners enjoy

By Bud Walters
Imagine turning on your home or car radio to your favorite channel on the FM dial only to find fuzz or interference. Radio is reliable — fuzz or interference is not supposed to happen, and there is good reason it usually doesn't.
The Federal Communications Commission, the government agency that regulates radio stations, has protections in place to prevent interference on FM channels. But believe it or not, some in Congress are challenging these protections and advocating for their erosion. This proposed legislation would repeal critical parts of the Radio Broadcasting Preservation Act, a bill that allowed the FCC to license low-power FM stations while instituting precautions designed to prevent interference with existing, full power FM broadcasters. As a result of this law, more than 700 low-power FM stations have received licenses, with over 100 more requests pending.
Read more from The Tennesseean at