
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Word to the wise DXer on IRCs

Every once in a awhile, I read of a hobbyist getting caught in a postal faux paux, and unfortunately the following is a perfect example to be aware of.
On a recent post office trip to purchase an International Reply Coupon (IRC), to enclose within a letter to an overseas station, the clerk attempted to sell IRCs that expired December 31, 2006.When it was brought to their attention, they stated, "we've been selling these all along. We just put a ten cent stamp on them because the price has gone up and no one has complained."
Despite what a seemingly informed clerk or supervisor informs you, the 2006 IRCs have expired, and will not be valid overseas. In fact, postal regulations state the cut-off date for sale was August 31, 2006.
Unfortunately, the post office receives no automatic distribution of the new IRC, but instead must order them from their local Stamp Distribution Office (SDO) or Stamp Service Center (SSC). Post office regulations also state that "under no circumstances should an expiring IRC be sold on or after September 1, 2006." Expired IRCs were to have been mailed to the Eagan ASC Finance Branch in Eagan, Minnesota before October 13, 2006.
All new IRCs are properly denominated at the sale price of $1.85, and no longer require the additional 10-cent stamp. Foreign-origin IRCs, as well as returned U.S. issued IRCs remain redeemable by customers at the Post Office, branches or postal stations.
The DXer in question, showed the postal document to the supervisor, who was very appreciative and asked to keep it ! I guess that just goes to show ya...sometimes the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. Don't let this happen to you.
(Gayle Van Horn/QSL Report)