
Friday, September 28, 2007

All India Radio frequency update

Effective 26th September, 2007

AIR has changed frequency for its Vividh Bharati Service from 10330 kHz to 9870 kHz and transmitter site to SPT,Bangalore 500 kW from HPT,Khampur(Delhi), 250 kW.

A07 schedule update as follows:
Vividh Bharati Service 0025-0435 UTC 9870 B'lore(ex 10330 Delhi)
Vividh Bharati Service 0900-1200 UTC 9870 B'lore(ex 10330 Delhi)
Vividh Bharati Service 1245-1740 UTC 9870 B'lore(ex 10330 Delhi)
Russian 1615-1715 UTC 10330 Delhi (ex 9875 Delhi)
Chinese 1145-1315 UTC 11840 Delhi (ex 11840 B'lore)
Swahili/Hindi 1515-1730 UTC 9950 D15 Delhi(ex 9950 D16 Delhi)
Hindi 1615-1730 UTC 15075 Delhi (ex 15075 B'lore)
GOS-I 2245-0045 UTC 11645 Delhi (ex 11645 B'lore)
(Source: Alokesh Gupta, New Delhi,India)