
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog Logs - Indonesian monitoring

Indonesian/Papua New Guinea
3266.42 RRI Gorontalo 1252-1330 Sep 7. Vocal music, female announcer in Jakarta news relay at 1201 UTC with no SCI; back to local pgm'g at 1320 UTC (music). Fair at tune-in, weak by 1330. Has been on past 1330 for the past couple of weeks or more, so apparently a new sked - used to close down around 1230. (John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Sept 9)

unID 3325 1305-1315 Sep 9. Two stations here, one was undoubtedly RRI Palangkaraya. The other may have been R. North Solomons. One stn, probably RRI, had a man talking; the other had vocal music and seemed \\ to 3204.97 but not sure - band condx were pretty cruddy this morning. The 3325 mx stn and 3204.97 both went off the air around 1310. Have not seen a log of North Solomons in a long time.
(John Wilkins-CO-USA, DXplorer Sept 9)

Yes, RRI Palangkaraya and R North Solomons-PNG noted by Barry Hartley in Queensland recently. wb.

No Ramadan, rather modern South Sea music at 1700-1800 UTC. 1700-1800 UT VoINS Jakarta Cimangis in Spanish on 2 frequencies! 9524.97 kHz S=5, and more comfortable listening on 11784.86 kHz S=8-9.

And in Google Earth:
6 degr23'35.18" S 106 degr51'43.00" E

(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Sept 13)

Dear OM, RRI started an early morning service of the Ramadan on SepT. 12 (UTC).

Monitoring at around 1800-2130 UT. Sept. 12

3266 RRI-Gorontalo : -1730-2110+, Poor. JN at 2000.
3325 RRi-Palangkaraya : *2030-2110+, Poor. JN at 2100.
3987 RRI-Manokwari : -1913-2100+, Poor. JN at 2000.
3995 RRI-Kendari : *1857-2115+, Poor.
4605 RRI-Serui : *1750-2130+, Fair to poor. JN at 2000, 2100.
4750 RRI-Makassar : *1758-1957, Poor.
4790 RRI-Fak Fak : *1757-2120*, Fair to poor. JN at 2100.
4870 RRI-Wamena : *1959-2100+, Poor. JN at 2000.
4875 RRI-Sorong : *1958-2145+, Fair. JN at 2100.

Monitor at around 1730-2100 UT. Sept. 13

3266 RRI-Gorontalo : *1732-2040+, Poor.
3961 RRI-Palu : *1856-1940, Weak. Opening chime at 1856.
3987 RRI-manokwari : *1858-2040+, Poor. JN at 2000.
4605 RRI-Serui : *1753-2115+, Poor. JN at 2000,2102.
4750 RRI-Makassar : *1801-1955, Fair to poor.
4790 RRI-Fak Fak : *1759-2130+, Poor. JN at 2100.
4870 RRI-Wamena : *2016-2115+, Poor. JN at 2100.
4875 RRI-Sorong : *1957-2130-, Fair. JN at 2100.
JN - Jakarta News relay
(A. Ishida-JPN, via Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, NDXC via wwdxc BC-DX Sept 14)

Voice of Indonesia transmission on September 12 on 9525 kHz.
1200-1300 Thai
1300-1400 Korean
1400-1500 Indonesian
1500-1600 Spanish
1600-1700 Arabic \\ 11785 kHz
1700-1730 IS and ID \\ 11785 kHz
1730-1830 Thai ?11785 kHz f/out.
1830-1930 Korean
1930-2030 Indonesian
2030 National Anthem
2031-2131 German
2131-2232 Chinese
2232-2332* English
(A. Ishida-JPN, via Sei-ichi Hasegawa-JPN, NDXC via wwdxc BC-DX Sep 14)
(Source: WWDXC Top News-BC-DX #825)