
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Democratic Voice of Burma producing extra satellite programs

The Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) has increased its production as a result of the crisis in the country. ”We normally broadcast two hours every day on shortwaves but at the moment, in addition to that, we also broadcast seven hours daily by satellite,” the station’s deputy director Khin Maung Win told AFP in an interview.
Including the weekend television programmes that it started running two years ago, the station claims to have a total audience of 20 million people. The country’s total population is 47 million.
According to Khin Maung Win, Norway and Denmark have just agreed to donate up to one million kroner (US$180,000) of “emergency aid” to DVB, in addition to the 15.5-million-kroner (US$2.8-million) annual budget funded by the Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Ireland and the United States.
(Source: AFP/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)