
Monday, September 24, 2007

France 24 now broadcasting across Africa via satellite

SES New Skies announced today that France 24 is now broadcasting across Africa on the NSS-7 satellite located at the orbital position of 338° East. NSS-7 is the primary satellite for video distribution in Africa, and 338° East has a significant legacy as a strong, diverse and thriving African programme neighbourhood comprising French, English, Arabic and Portuguese language content and is a key gateway to reaching pan-African audiences.

France 24’s English and French channels are broadcast on the GlobeCast platform on NSS-7’s East hemi C-band beam, which offers coverage of Europe, the Middle East and all of Africa. The exact transmission parameters are: Transponder EHL7/ERL7, 4055 MHz, right hand circular polarization.
(Source: SES New Skies/R Netherlands Media Network)