
Sunday, September 09, 2007

Interview with Commander Bunny of WBNY

Thanks to Greg Majewski for sharing his CIDX September column with our blog readers. Thanks too for the many favorable comments from readers that responded to Greg's August column.
Gayle VH

This month, I managed to catch up with Commander Bunny of the WBNY(email address of He was too busy with his 2008 US Presidential campaign to write about WBNY. In spite of my being an annoying "monkey " (his term for me), he allowed me to submit a baker's dozen questions on WBNY, his presidential campaign and his efforts with WBNY. The questions are mine and responses are Commander Bunny's. The responses are not the opinion of CIDX or myself. There that should keep the lawyers happy. Here are the questions and answers for your enjoyment and edification:

Question 1
When did WBNY start broadcasting? I think recently it celebrated twenty-five years as a broadcaster.

Answer: 42 YEARS. It was 1965, Easter, the The Rodents had been talking about organizing and overthrowing the monkeys for many years, but now we had a brand new Johnson Viking with crystals for 7415 - 6025 and a couple other frequencies. Our first "Call to Arms" was broadcast that year at Easter. 17 monkeys heard it, but the entire rodent nation heard it an started to mobilize.

Question 2
What is the current transmitter equipment used (transmitter, power out, antenna type, etc.)?

Answer: We have used many different types of transmitters over the years and so many configurations of antenna's that it would take a book to describe them. We currently use a Icom MK-700 and Icom-735 both with modified power supplies and mod-transformers as our main shortwave transmitters. We always have a cut-to-frequency dipole up 50' and right now are using a Butternut Vertical that does very well. There is one one very important transmitter that we have been using for the past couple of years. Bill O. RIghts of Radio Free Speech, who has done more than a thousand transmissions with his original "Grenade" transmitter has been letting us use it. We have done dozens of broadcasts with it, but it is a piece of pirate history and we do use it on occassion. Bill has been a good friend to WBNY and the Rodent Revolution. When we eventually overthrow the monkeys, he will hold a place of power and honor.

Question 3
Most Free Radio stations play music or entertainment. WBNY generally acts as the Voice of the Rodent Revolution. Music is played. But, in past, WBNY has sent messages that used a double substitution cipher to its agents in the field. Do you consider WBNY to be a true American clandestine station?

Answer: No question and clearly you are a monkey who has an IQ above single digits (unusual for shortwave listeners) (I mean come on, look at WWCR!). But for some reason the ClandestineGeeks has dismissed us, as not being worthy of their attention. But then we are dealing with monkeys here, so there is no accounting for taste or choice. I mean look at Chris Smolinski for God's sake! How long can you wear a trench coat and not look like a pervert? However, how we are catagorized is not as important as our message.

Question 4
WBNY has use technology to get it message out, example slow scan TV signals for identification. Is WBNY considering using a digital mode (DRM,etc)for broadcasting?

We have used RTTY, SSTV, Morse Code, ARQ6-90, FEC-S, AM, FM and of course the Side Band modes. But the most important part of our AM, FM and Side Band transmissions are the subliminal mind control messsages we send out to monkeys and make them do things for us. They have worked brilliantly! Our bank accounts are overflowing with money for the revolution. The monkeys just send us money everytime we tell them to! Its almost as good as being a government, only monkeys have no memory of the act. To answer you question directly, if DRM receiving technology becomes common place we'll use it. In my opinion (and that's the only one that really counts) digital AM, FM and DRM are the products of bored monkey engineers who cooked this up with no idea of what to do with it. The main drawback to digital AM and FM is that even dumb monkeys are not going to go out and buy a brand new receiver for $300 or $400 to hear the same commercial crap they can hear for free on their car radios. There is no question that ape-human monkeys are dumb, but even I know they aren't that dumb.

Question 5
Do you like other Free Radio operators use the FRN Vines web page ( ) for ACE Loggings to see how listeners are getting your broadcasts?

Answer: Much like watching ants in one of those "Ant Colony" kits you buy at the hobby shop, I enjoy watching the monkeys interact on the FRN.

Question 6
With your revolutionary zeal, have the authorities approached you about your activities? Have there been any close encounters of the white van type?

Answer: White Van or not, they are still monkeys and rabbit brain power has kept us from any close encounters and to be honest, you won't see the federal government suit types, clomping into a carrot patch to catch a rabbit!

Question 7
Recently, an European web page (Alfa Lima) published that you were a human whose voice was alternated by digital signal processing to sound like a rodent. Do you think was an attempt to undermine your unannounced presidential campaign?

Answer: No question. What a low life monkey-boy to try to make me a human! This is a monkey who claims to be a pirate enthusiast, yet undermines other pirates. How low is that? The is no bottom to the barrel of dirty tricks that monkeys will stoop to, when it comes to hurting others. As your President, I will bomb or lock up any monkeys that act in this manner.

Question 8
In response to that statement, Radio Jamba arose to correct the disinformation of the Alfa Lima web site. Is Radio Jamba under the control of the Rodent Revolution?
Answer: Radio Jamba International is a free thinking group of monkeys, who honestly are a cut above the rest of you apes. WBNY has established a nice network of relays amongst a surprising number of pirate operators. We all relay each others programs. Jamba is one of them, but more importantly, has shown me that there are monkeys amongst you, that are worth saving. There are actually monkeys amongst you that are smart enough not to yak on the cell phone while you attempt to steer a 4,000 pound piece of steel down a highway at 50 kph. Plus the subliminal messages have worked especially well on these subjects.

Question 9
Kracker of Kracker Radio has stated that he operates Radio Jamba on WBCQ. Is Kracker like Al Fansome in the employ of the Rodent Revolution?

Answer: Kracker is a friend of the Rodent Revolution! He does so of his own free will and has done so out of the bad dreams he has over the mistreatment of rodents, worldwide. On the other hand, Al Fansome is a bad dream!

Question 10
If your presidential campaign is successful, will you have the FCC set up a license free shortwave band for Free Radio broadcasters or extend the a low power shortwave broadcasting license with WBNY receiving the first license?

Answer: The FCC and IRS will be the first to be cut from government. I know this will burden society, as these monkeys who work for these agencies have no real work skills, and will most likely break into your homes, while you are at work and steal your cable boxes, but hard choices must be made. In RR (Rodent Rule) the big rabbits get the carrots and the babes. It will be the same under my Adminstration. Big transmitter gets the frequency. While I understand that by cutting monkey government, it will fill the streets with very low IQ monkeys, with no work skills, we do have enough cages and tire swings to meet the demand. These government monkeys need to be locked in cages and isolated from normal monkeys.

Question 11
On to your presidential campaign, is true that you and Hillary Clinton are discussing the possibility of you being VEEP on her ticket?

Answer: NO! I can't think of a dumber monkey than Hillary. Plus my sstv images of her with Saddam and Osama are damning.

Question 12
Can you confirm either of these statements about you from Hillary?
Of course, I (Hillary sic) can work with Commander Bunny. His being a bunny will have no affect on our relations. I live with Bill for years and he acts like a rabbit.
I (Hillary sic) need to have Commander Bunny on the ticket. He will be my good luck charm.

Answer: There is no accounting for anything that monkey Hillary says and it would depend on which side of her face, she said it out of. I don't think there is any question that Monkey Hillary will say anything to get elected. Clearly she see's the mass appeal of Commander Bunny and wants to be associated with it, but do not be fooled monkey-boy, she is evil incarnate!

Question 13
It is has been attributed that you and WBNY broadcasts are a form of mind control. Is this how you have manage to get so many Free Radio operators to endorse you campaign? Or, do you have pictures of them doing naughty things with rodents?

Answer: My subliminal messages are the way we raise money to fund the Rodent Revolution and get monkeys to buy t-shirts and bumper stickers. By the way you can buy the COMMANDER BUNNY FOR PRESIDENT T-SHIRTS and BUMPER STICKERS on EBAY. Just type in COMMANDER BUNNY in the search engine. I don't have any photo's of any operator doing anything "naughty" (shame on you, what are you thinking?) with rodents, but have DVD's of Al Fansome spanking his monkey, while listening to Poet drone on about 40-year old music.

Finally, just remember to check your tire pressure, especially if the Commander does win. I am sure it will a major part of his energy program.

Here is a summary of the last months free radio activity for the pages of the Free Radio Weekly Here are the frequency usage and top stations loggings for your use. Of note, The Crystal Ship has been using 3275, 5835 and 6875 in simultaneous broadcasts.

Stations Number of Reported Logs
The Crystal Ship 7
Real Pirate Radio 6
MAC Shortwave 5
Radio Jamba Inter. 4
Northwoods Radio 3

Frequency (Kilohertz) Number of Stations Using It
6850 5
6855 2
6875 2
6925 22
6935 1
6955 1
6959 1
6985 1

Until next month! Enjoy life, Greg