
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Micro-DXpedition Report

All times UTC - freqs kHa // parallel frequency


4762.5 R. Chicha (pres.) 2326 weak tlk by M. Mx at 2329, deep-voiced M in SP at 2331. M again at 2343 but impossible to copy. W anncr joined in at 2349. Sounded like some rustic mx at 2356. Nothing hrd after 2357. This is always too weak. Will need either a super opening and/or a DXpedition. (Valko 22 Sept.) 23 SEPTEMBER 2007: The PNGs were coming in at 1020 UTC and I figured they'd only improve towards sunrise, so I decided to take a quick run up to one of my micro-DXpeditioning QTHs for an hour or so. The Geomagnetic Field was a bit disturbed and it didn't pan out like I hoped. RX: JRC NRD-535D
ANT: 394' Beverage at 315°
QTH: Reclaimed stripmine
Duration: 1050-1215 UTC
Solar Indices: S.F. = 67 A Index = 12 K Index = 4 No storms.
WX: Clear, 47° F. (8° C.).


2485 VL8K 1049 playing C&W like mx, // to all other 120mb outlets. This one was best/strongest. (Valko 23 Sept.)


3995.03 RRI Kendari (pres.) Nothing but easy Lagu mx during checks at 1055, 1109, 1119, 1125, and 1132. Getting stronger at 1135 while the Sun was rising. About 30 seconds of deadair between songs at 1136. Definite SCI at 1159. Sounded like it may have been //3987.04 w/Jak. nx afterwards, but it was too weak to be certain. Nonstop Hams right on the freq too. (Valko 23 Sept.)


5018.97 SIBC 1053 Tlk by M and W anncrs. Came back at 1058 and caught C&W mx. Difficult when Rebelde was playing mx as it causes more splatter. 1100 W w/quick anmnt including SIBC ID, then world nx in EG w/actualities. One definite ment. of Solomon Islands at 1103, 'international', and 'United Nations'. 1105 ment of "...human ?? programs for the South Pacific...". 1106 nice fairly clear ID "This news is coming to you from the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation, 'Radio Happy Isles", in Honiara". Ad at 1142 on check. Still on past 1205. An e-mail sent to the address on their Web site was bounced back. (Valko 23 Sept.)


3987.04 RRI Manokwari 1112 choral island mx. Finally W anncr in IN at 1131 briefly and then C&W mx. Peaking nicely at 1140. W briefly again at 1146 but no ID noted. W at 1159, then SCI and M w/Jak. nx relay which was //4869.93, but not 4749.97. (Valko 23 Sept.)


5964.93 Klasik Nasional (pres.) Was there at 1122 but not strong enough. 1129 definite mx and anmnt by W but 7270 had tlk by M. Again, mx on 5964.93 but M and W tlking on 7270 at 1146. (Valko 23 Sept.)


3325 R. Bougainville (pres.) 2 stns here this morning. M in Pidgin was overtop slightly at 1126. 1138 island mx much clearer, then M anncr w/ment of 'tonight', but mic lvl just too weak. Fading by 1145. So apparently both Bougainville and Palangkaraya are here together. (Valko 23 Sept.)


4677.74 Just a weak carrier here at 1148. Too weak to get audio. (Valko 23 Sept.)


6600 V.O. People (pres.) Getting a bit of mx at 1152 which I presume is this one. Couldn't tell if //3912 as both were too weak at 1153. (Valko 23 Sept.)

(Source: Dave Valko, PA via Cumbre DX)