
Monday, September 24, 2007

TWR in Benin plans December sign-on

Trans World Radio’s engineering team is making progress in readying the new transmitting facility in Benin, West Africa. rogramming is scheduled to begin airing in December. The transmitter and an air conditioning unit are on-site. Two additional containers with power generators and essential antenna parts are in transit and due to arrive in Africa in the coming weeks.

According to TWR, the team signed the licence agreement last year, and TWR-Africa has persevered through several subsequent challenges regarding the transmitter project, including delays in ordering and receiving equipment and seeking out program producers.

Construction of the high power mediumwave station in Benin is making steady progress. Missionaries, including the Cox and Kennedy families, have been working hard to get the station operational. Paul Cox, a broadcast engineer, is overseeing the installation of the transmitter and other technical aspects.
(Source: Mission Network News/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)