
Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Blog Logs - Brazil

Today's shortwave BLOG LOGS, takes a look at what DXers have monitored on shortwave recently from Brazil. Contributions are always welcome and may be directed to my email address posted above. Thanks very much to all the contributors for your kind words and support.
Gayle VH

Freqs in kHz, all times UTC // parallel frequencies. * sign-on - sign-off *

Radio Araguaina.
4905, 0903. Transmitter switched on at 0903 buy weak. No audio heard until 0914 as signal as rapidly peaked with easy contemporary Christian vocal. Brief announcement then back to vocals. Geat two minute peak exactly at Araguaina 0917 sunrise before rapidly fading back down until carrier dropped below noise floor at 1020. High static level observed. (B Jordan, TN)

Additional Brazilians monitored in Portuguese:
Radio Baré. 4894.89, 0254-0359.* Very presumed, carrier only and emitting +/- 60 Hz spurs. (+ harmonics) until transmitter left the air at 0359.* No sign of this sign on in the morning. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio CBN Anhanguera. 4915.02, *0904-1100. Sign-on announcement and mentions of Brazil and Goiânia, into program of easy vocals and religious monologue beginning at 0940. Generally dominant over Radio Difusora, which wasn‛t an issue anyway in USB. Ever present CODAR. Signal faded by 1100. (B Jordan, TN)

Radio Caiari. 4785.06, *0840. Transmitter turned on at 0830. Weak signal for broadcast. Signal peaked by 1020. No ID noted. Signal poor with medium CODAR QRM. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio Capixaba. 4935, 0214-0232. Religious programming, including preachers‛ emotional response through bottom of the hour during poor signal. (S Barbour, NH)

Radio Clube do Para 4885.01, 0254-1140. Great signal giving CODAR a run for its money. Music to interviews and station ID. Signal fading slowly after Belem sunrise, carrier faded below noise floor at 1140. (B Jordan, TN)

Radio Clube do Para 4885, 0434. Announcers echo-effect and upbeat Brazilian music. Fair signal for programming. (J Wood, TN).

Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais. Transmitter on at 1007 and silent until brief sign-on announcement including "Radio Cultura," into contemporary vocals. Good signal with brief utility QRM on both sidebands, then fading after 1015. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio Dif do Amazonas. 4804.98, *0858. Nice signal peak by 1000. - slowly fading by 1010. Station ID and announcer comments. Moderate CODAR interference made for difficult listening. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio Difusora. 4914.96, 0230-1120. Noted here all night with music format. Fair signal admidst heavy CODAR until Goiânia sign on, fading after Macapá sunrise, Signal disappeared by 1120. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio Immaculada Concepcão. 4754.87, 0254-1100. Catholic religious programming in Portuguese. Best signal 0940-1000. Carrier below noise floor at 1100. (B Jordan, TN)

Radio IRIB Novo Tempo. Carrier here all night, slowly drifting downward (25 Hz by 0800). Signal fading up from 0940 with a peak perfectly matching Campo Grande‛s 0953 UTC sunrise, but never enough for any usable audio. Carrier faded below noise floor at 1102. (B Jordan, TN).

Radio Marumby
Radio Marumby. 9664.98, 2310-2320. Religious music and pastor‛s sermon. // 11749.85 - both frequencies were weak. (B Alexander PA)

Radio Nacional do Amazonia. 11780, 2055. Vocal Brazilian music to announcer‛s promo. Instrumental music to station identification at 2100. (S. MacKenzie, CA)