
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

DXpedition Blog Logs

All times UTC unless otherwise indicated
// parallel frequency * sign-on sign-off*


11775 University Network via Caribbean Beacon; 1404, 27-Oct; Dr. Gene pontificating from the grave; Rev. Barbi was on prior to 1400. SIO=444-, //13845 via WWCR, SIO=343+ (Frodge-DXP)

7425 Radio Tirana; 0248-0257:38*, 27-Oct; Albanian features & pop tunes, all in English; off after brief anthem. SIO=343-, 6110 not audible. (Frodge-DXP)

6300 Radio Arabe Sahuari Democratica Nacional; 2345-2403:45*, 26/27-Oct; Local and Arabic vocals to male announcer's commentary in Arabic vocals. Announcer commentary in Spanish (w/Arabic accwnt) w/many mentions of Sahara, Sahuari & Republica Sahara; ID as Radio Nacional Sahara @2402 then anthem. SIO=343. A few seconds after s/off Habana came up weakly, but //6000, SIO=454. @2405, roar QRM started up.

15820/L Radio Continental; 1941, 26-Oct; Spanish commentary then "La Primers...Radio Continental". SIO=152 Nothing on 13363.5 (Frodge-DXP)

6020 Radio Australia; 1138, 28-Aug; English program feature on aboriginal music. SIO=554; //9580, SIO=554 (Frodge-DXP)

6134.8 CP32 Radio Santa Cruz; 1023-1031+, 28-Oct; Male announcer in Spanish w/ all low-key commentary until 1030 then camp'o tune; ID spot w/cow moo. SIO=2+33-, best in USB (Frodge-DXP)

4754.9 Radio Educacao Rural; 0239-0300+, 28-Oct; 2M in Portuguese with religious
discussion to SID @0241+; single M after SID; no break @0300. SIO=332+, slight swiper & occasional ute burst QRM. Not //5035 at this time which was Apercida. (Frodge-DXP)

4915 ZYF360 Radio Nacional; 0414-0421+, 27-Oct; Lite pop music; male announcer in Portuguese w/break @0420, several mentions of Macapa. SIO=322+, swiper QRM (Frodge-DXP)

5035 ZYG853 Radio Aparecida; 0241-0305, 28-Oct; Announcer in Portuguese with easy-listening music; single word Aparecida. SIO=333-, need USB due to Rebeldee on 5025.

Burkina Faso
5030 Radio Burkina; 2159-2205+, 26-Oct; Thumb harp music to one word "Burkina" ID at 2200 UTC then M&W in French with news. SIO=2+23-, USB helps w/5025 Rebelde. (Frodge-DXP)

6010 Radio Sweden; 0238, 27-Oct; English features on medical discrimination & prostitution laws in Sweden. SIO=533+ (Frodge-DXP)

4460 Central People's BS (p); 2224, 26-Oct; Chatty M&W in Chinese language and with a
peppy background music. SIO=252 (Frodge-DXP)

6035 HJOY La Voz de Guaviare; 0032-0100:49*, 28-Oct; Cumbias; No anmts till ID by male announcer in Spanish at 0058, also w/RCN spot; brief anthem & off. SIO=322+, best in USB (Frodge-DXP)

11680 Radio Nacional de Venezuela; 1542-1558:48*, 27-Oct; Announcer in Spanish with commentary to item on campesinos, etc. & total change through revolution. ID'd as both RN & La Voz de Venezuela en el mundo, fro, La Republica Boliviariano de Venezuela. SIO=4+54+, 27-Oct (Frodge-DXP)

Dominican Republic
6025 HIIJ Radio Amanacer; 0013-0032+, 28-Oct; Spanish religious and English music tunes. ID @0031 to new program. SIO=422+, need USB to help w/6020 China (via Sackville?). (Frodge-DXP)

9704 Radio Ethiopia; 1945-1955+, 26-Oct; Afro music + thumb harp; Male in local language. SIO=222, het w/9705. //7110, SIO=2+53- (Frodge-DXP)

21695 Voice of Africa-Radio Jamahiriyah, Libya; 1506-1531+, 27-Oct; EE discussion with South African visitor; ID @1519+ after drum chant as Voice of Africa from the ? Homeland & @1524+, This is the VoA coming from the Great Jamahiriyah. SIO=2+52+ w/strong xmtr hum. //17870 slightly better but also w/xmtr hum. (Frodge-DXP)

9925 Voice of Croatia; 0214-0230+, 27-Oct; English schedule at tune-in then local and Spanish pop tunes. SIO=253- (Frodge-DXP)

Great Britain

12035 Radio Southwest Africa, Zimbabwe; 1704-1724+, 27-Oct; Soul tune & ID; seemed to switch to French service? about 1715 taking phone calls. SIO=152, presumed relay site--have also seen Norway reported. Their web page gives no clue. Reported //11810 covered. (Frodge-DXP)

5765/U AFN/AFRTS; 1140-1152+, 28-Oct; Pop music pgm; American Forces promo @1152. SIO=2+52+; not //5446.5 (Key West), 7811 (Key West), 10320 (Hawaii) all // to each other; 12133.5 not on. (Frodge-DXP)

4052.5 TGAV Radio Verdad; 0258-0305+, 27-Oct; W w/variety music program to ID after ToH; then rlgs pgm; all in Spanish. SIO=2+52+ (Frodge-DXP)

4780 TGLT Radio Cultural Coatan; 0020-0031+, 27-Oct; Announcer in Spanish with camp'o
style & traditional organ religious music; RCC ID @0029+. Copyable w/swiper QRM, best in USB. 1038, 28-Oct; M in Spanish w/calendar; ID as Radio Coatan w/o Rural. SIO=43-3-, swiper QRM. (Frodge-DXP)

10320/U AFN/AFRTS Pearl Harbor; 0208-0214+, 27-Oct; CBS Sports By-Line. SIO=2+54; //5446.5, 7811 & 1233.5, all via Key West & all very good signal.(Frodge-DXP)

3340 HRMI Radio Missiones Int'l (p); 1045-1053+, 28-Oct; Low key, pop-style SS rlgs music; "...Emisora Internacional...onda corta" SIO=342+, short utility blasts (Frodge-DXP)

6973.0 Galei Zahal (p); 2356-2403, 27/28-Oct; Announcer in Hebrew and English text to pop music and newscast 2359-2402. SIO=2+43- w/slight utility clatter. (Frodge-DXP)

7250 Vatican Radio (presume from Galleria xmtr); 2016-2018:30*, 26-Oct; EZL music & EE 93.3 FM spot. SIO=2+22+, clobbered from both sides by amateur radio operators. 0500, 27-Oct; English feature on Lebanon. SIO=322 in AM, much better in USB (at the moment). (Frodge-DXP)

11990 Radio Kuwait; 1800-1815+, 27-Oct; Koran programming to segment on
Enlightened with the Blessings of Islam; English pop tune (how decadent!) @1814. SIO=143 (Frodge-DXP)

4770 Radio Nigeria Kaduna (p); 2209-2218+, 26-Oct; M&W in heavy accented English w/lite pop music. SIO=2+32+ w/trill ute QRM (Frodge-DXP)

15140 Radio Sultantate of Oman; 1400, 27-Oct; No hint at all of English service--or any signal. (FRodge-DXP)

Papua new Guinea
3235 Radio West New Britain; 1056-1119+, 28-Oct; Low-key relifious music in English and locallanguages. Brief anmt by M in English before 1100, then lady announcer in in Pidgin language. Didn't hear clear ID, but PNG mentioned. SIO=2+52+

4790.13 Radio Vision (p); 0411, 27-Oct; Exuberant preacher in Spanish with text and
"Hallelujahs" speaking in large hall. SIO=322+, swiper QRM. (Frodge-DXP)

15735 Radio Sweden; 1320, 27-Oct; Magazine pgm in Swedish; switched to EE @1329 w/Week in Review. SIO=254-, //15240 via Sackville, S30 sig. 15735 went completely off @1328:32 for about 20 sec. then back on. The EE segment sig was not quite as good as the Swedish segment. 15240 did not go off. (Frodge-DXP)

3185 WWRB Manchester TN; 0440, 27-Oct; Brother Stair trying to explain something. SIO=554 (Frodge-DXP)

3215 WWCR Nashville TN; 0444, 27-Oct; Power Hour (all conspiracies & doom all the time); WWCR ID @0458+. S30; weak image? @3230.5. (Frodge-DXP)

7811/U AFN/AFRTS, Key West FL; 2025-2031+, 26-Oct; Clark Howard Show & Fox sports; DoD & USAF spots. SIO=2+53; //12133.5/U, SIO=253+ also via Key West. (Frodge-DXP)

9015 WEWN Vandiver AL; 1842-1854+, 27-Oct; SS rlgs pgm w/ID Radio Catolica Mundial. SIO=252+, fady; mixing product?--hrd on multi- radios. (Frodge-DXP)

Vatican State
7350 Voice of Russia relay; 0020-0030+, 28-Oct; EE pop music to Russian station ID at 0029:25 then newscast in Russian. SIO=343 (Frodge-DXP)
(Source: Harold Frodge, Michigan)