
Tuesday, October 02, 2007

October operations for 3rd anniversary of NAQCC

N3A will be operated during the entire month of October in honor of the 3rd anniversary of the founding of the NAQCC. Check the web page at often for any updates. The latest updates will be at the top of the NEWS section.

The SCHEDULE will be updated as info is received from the operators. The station may be operated at any date/time between Oct 1 0000Z and Oct 31 2400Z by any of our ops. Frequencies will be close to the standard QRP frequencies. The following lists specific dates/times that we have been made aware of by our ops. There will be MANY unannounced dates/times also so just keep an ear open on the bands. Tom, WY3H will take care of the certificates and QSL's for N3A. To get a certificate, send a large SASE with 97 cents postage or a large SAE and $1.00 to: Tom Mitchell, 210 Garretts Run Road, Kittanning, PA 16201.

The certificate is 8 1/2 by 11 inches, so if you don't want it folded, make sure the envelope you send is large enough. 9 by 12 inch envelopes would be ideal.

A QSL will be sent with each certificate. If only a QSL and no certificate is desired, simply request a QSL via regular mail (above) or email to (yoel@at ). The deadline for certificate and/or QSL requests is November 30th. [NAQCC]
(Source: Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
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