
Friday, October 05, 2007

Radio Netherlands Worldwide program Preview October 6-12

Welcome to our weekly guide to Radio Netherlands Worldwide's English Service - a list of the new programmes coming up on Radio Netherlands Worldwide this week, beginning on Saturday.


*** The State We're In ***
This week on The State We're In, the show about human rights and human wrongs:

On the anniversary of the start of the American War in Afghanistan we look at how the lives of women have improved there ... or not improved.

In our focus on fidelity, we speak with Ray Kluun, author, philosopher and serial cheater. Plus we speak with a woman who defends her right to be one of many wives in a polygamous marriage.

And South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission is now a musical! Composed by the great Hugh Masekela, 'Truth in Translation' recounts how the commission's interpreters were tasked with translating mankind at its worst. We speak with one of the interpreters and the show's producer.

That's The State We're In this weekend on Radio Netherlands Worldwide.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Note that on Saturday we also run repeats of:

Network Europe on SW: 1400 (South Asia)

The Research File: 1430 (South Asia)

Amsterdam Forum and Echoes: 1900 and 1944 respectively (Central, East and South Africa)


*** Amsterdam Forum ***

The city of Amsterdam has decided to close a third of all the prostitutes'
windows in the red light district. Is this the beginning or the end for Amsterdam's most famous - and most notorious - tourist attraction?

Mayor Job Cohen says the measure is needed to combat crime. It seems the legalisation of brothels seven years ago led to an increase in organised
crime, especially human trafficking and money laundering. But the Dutch sex workers' union De Rode Draad says the mayor has got it wrong: closing windows will mean more exploitation of women rather than

Do tune in to this week's forum when we debate sex in the city with three feisty women.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1500 (South Asia), 1800 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)

*** Echoes ***

Our new listener feedback programme. Mindy Ran responds to your comments, queries and complaints about our programmes. And featuring every week A Critical Eye - commentary from Perro de Jong.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1045 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1145 (Eastern N America), 1545 (South Asia), 1845 & 2045 (Central, East and South Africa), 0045 (Eastern N America), 0145 (Central N America), 0445 (Western N America)

Repeated: Sat 1945 (Central, East and South Africa)

Note that on Sunday we also run repeats of:

Flatlanders or EuroHit 40: 1400 (South Asia)

Arts and Culture: 1430 (South Asia)

The State We're in: 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)


*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Flatlanders ***
The United Nations estimates that there are currently nearly 200 million migrants in the world. That's three percent of the world's population. In the third in a five-part series, Radio Netherlands Worldwide and four other international broadcasters look at the children of newcomers and the problems they face in their new homeland.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Sun 1400 (South Asia), Wednesday 1500 (South Asia) 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)


*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The State We're In, Midweek Report ***

This week on The State We're In - Midweek Edition, the show about human rights and human wrongs:

On the anniversary of the start of the American War in Afghanistan we look at how the lives of women have improved there ... or not improved.

In our focus on fidelity, we speak with Ray Kluun, author, philosopher and serial cheater. Plus we speak with a woman who defends her right to be one of many wives in a polygamous marriage.

These stories and a round up of human rights news in the next edition of the State We're In - Midweek Edition.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)
Repeated: Thu 1430, 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa) Sun 1900 (Central, East and South Africa)


*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Arts and Culture ***

Jazz pianist Cees Slinger recently died in hospital in The Hague at the age of 78. He was one of the founding fathers of modern jazz in the Netherlands. He was the leader and founder of The Diamond Five, the most popular Dutch jazz band of the 1960s. In 1996 he was presented with a Bird Award at the North Sea Jazz Festival. He continued working with his own sextet until earlier this year.

In memory of Cees Slinger this week's Arts and Culture features a programme jazz expert Hans Mantel made about The Diamond Five in 2004.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Fri 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sun 14:30 (South Asia)


*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** The Research File ***

This week on the Research File: 'iCat', a cat-like robot that looks suspiciously like a very cute toy. Actually it is a research platform for the study of human-robotic communication.

We also get to grips with the rather 'far-fetched' science of Astrobiology; we may not know whether there really is life out there, but slowly we're learning where to look for it.

And is Global Warming hyped? A Dutch geologist wants us to look at the bigger picture; in the Dinosaur Age CO2 levels were twenty times higher than they are now, yet life was never more abundant!

The Research File: don't miss it.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Mon 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1430 (South Asia)


*** Newsline ***

The latest world news and current affairs.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1000 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1100 (Eastern N America), 1400 & 1530 (South Asia), 1800, 1930 & 2030 (Central, East and South Africa), 0000 (Eastern N America), 0100 (Central N America), 0400 (Western N America)

*** Network Europe ***

A Pan European team links up across the continent each week to provide a fresh perspective on events and life in Europe.

The programme is a unique example of European co-operation, produced by the continent's leading international broadcasters, it reflects the diversity of European society and voices. Each week we drop in on specialists around Europe and catch up with our extensive network of correspondents for their unique take on the events shaping the week.

Broadcast times on SW (UTC): 1030 (Asia/Far East/Pacific), 1130 (Eastern N America), 1430 (South Asia), 1830 & 2000 (Central, East and South Africa), 0030 (Eastern N America), 0130 (Central N America), 0430 (Western N America)

Repeated: Tues 1500 (South Asia), 1900 (Central, East and South Africa), Sat 1400 (South Asia)
(R Netherlands)