
Monday, October 08, 2007

Voice of Abkhazia broadcasting in western Georgia

The new radio station “Voice of Abkhazia” has started broadcasting in Western Georgia October 5th. Prime News was told at the PR Department of the Abkhazian government that idea of establishing a radio station belongs to Abkhazian media centre “Open Abkhazia”.

Malkhaz Akishbaia, head of the autonomous republic Abkhazia and other government officials of autonomous republic Abkhazia will attend the presentation in Zigdidi. According to Akishbaia, the radio station is conformation of the spiritual unity of the Georgian and Abkhazian people. The radio station will be a kind of feedback to the latest developments.

According to the management of the radio station, aim of the “Voice of Abkhazia” is to inform Abkhazian population. The format of the radio station will be musical-scientific [sic]. Twenty-four-hour broadcasting will mainly be in Russian ; however news blocks will be in the Abkhazian language.

At first the radio station will broadcast in Samegrelo region at FM 107.2.
(Source: Prime News/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)