
Sunday, November 04, 2007

Blog Logs - Canadian DXpedition

Below are my loggings from this weekend at the semi-annual ODXA Radio Camp, held at Shadow Lake Camp, north of Stouffville, Ontario.

Reception conditions were mediocre. Noise levels seemed high all weekend and no noteworthy openings were experienced. However, we did manage a lot of listening and I'm sure the other seven listeners also filled their logbooks.

Our next camp is April 4-6, 2008. If anyone wishes to have information on attending, please contact me off line.

Harold Sellers
Ontario DX Association

Shadow Lake Radio Camp, Stouffville, Ontario
November 2-4, 2007
HTS-SL Harold Sellers, Eton E-1, 100 ft wire

11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar at 2022 with East African music, woman in Swahili, back to more music. Checked again at 2056 and heard woman with ID. 2058 national anthem to close. (Good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

17705 CUBA Radio Nacional de Venezuela at 2030 with Spanish pop vocals, woman with ID, talking about Palestine and Israel. (Very good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9420 GREECE Voice of Greece at 2036 with nice Greek vocals, 2054 recheck and a concert by a singer. (Very good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9915 ALBANIA Radio Tirana 2102 woman with welcome, program lineup, news by man, leading off with item of the Albanian Prime Minister visiting Canada. //7430 fair. (Fair Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9330 LSB USA WBCQ at 2107 with pop and rock music. (Excellent on lower sideband Nov 2 HTS-SL)

7255 NIGERIA Voice of Nigeria at 2110, man in French talking about Nigeria. 2140 also in French, man hosting African pop music program, giving mailing address. (Good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6250 EGYPT Radio Cairo at 2114 music, 2115 woman with English s/on, time check in GMT, "welcome to the world service of Radio Cairo...sit back and relax..", program lineup. (Good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6115 ROMANIA Radio Romania Int¹l at 2139, man with news. (Fair Nov 2, //9755 also fair HTS-SL)

11690 RWANDA Deutsche Welle at 2144 with story on changing of traditional life in Sarajevo. (Good Nov 2, //13780 fair HTS-SL)

4770 NIGERIA Radio Nigeria, Kaduna at 2155 with rap music, 2159 man with ID, time check. (Fair Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9400 BULGARIA Radio Bulgaria at 2203, woman with news, //7400. (Good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9445 INDIA All India Radio at 2212, commentary about Chinese involvement in Africa, 2215
ID, into "Radio Newsreel". (Fair-good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

7450 GREECE Radiophonikos Stathmos Makedonias at 2218 with Greek folk music. (Good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6160 NEWFOUNDLAND CKZN St. John¹s at 2224, "As It Happens", interviewing a man who plans to change his name to "Grey Cup"! (Fair with QRM Nov 2 HTS-SL)

9330 LSB USA WBCQ with Good Friends Radio via WBCQ ID at 2229. (Poor-good, fadey on lower sideband Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6255 LITHUANIA KBC Radio tentative at 2240, pop music, 2257 male announcer, more music. Nothing audible at listed 2300 s/off. (Very weak Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6300 ALGERIA National Radio of the Saharan Arab Democratic Republic tentative at 2253 with Arabic instrumentals and vocals. (Weak Nov 2 HTS-SL)

5960 TURKEY Voice of Turkey at 2301, schedule, news headlines, news. (Fair with noise and QRM Nov 2 HTS-SL)

15250 CUBA Radio Nacional de Venezuela at 2304, ID, Spanish, news. (Excellent, //13680 good Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6025 DOMINICAN REP. Radio Amanecer at 2306 with instrumental version of hymn
How Great Thou Art, man in Spanish, ID as "La Voz de la Esperanza", lots of soft religious music, occasional talk by man. (Fair Nov 2 HTS-SL)

7325 LITHUANIA Radio Vilnius at 2351 man and woman with feature on potatoes as a food. (Fair Nov 2 HTS-SL)

6115 ROMANIA Radio Romania Int¹l at 2355 ending programs with schedule, ID, website, address. (Poor, //6015 very poor Nov 2 HTS-SL)

12095 THAILAND Radio Thailand at 0032 news, 0039 item on tourism. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)
7325 AUSTRIA Radio Austria Int¹l at 0041, woman with news in Report from Austria. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4965 ZAMBIA Radio Christian Voice at 0047 Gospel music, sounding like from alive concert. (Poor, sweeper QRM, fair on peaks Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11735 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 0101 with national anthem, 0102 man with sign-on, ID, woman with news. (Poor, //13760 barely audible Nov 3 HTS-SL)

7230 SLOVAKIA Radio Slovakia Int'l, 0105 Pete Miller with "Slovakia Today", into news. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6120 IRAN Voice of Justice at 0132 with woman giving schedule, brief announcement followed by Islamic recitation. (Poor-fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6240 MOLDOVA Voice of Russia at 0202, woman with news to 0209. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4965 ZAMBIA Radio Christian Voice at 0210, Christian music. (Poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

3320 SOUTH AFRICA Radio Sondergrense at 0233 with pop music, announcer in Afrikaans. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

5915 ZAMBIA Radio Zambia at 0246 Fish Eagle IS heard very faintly through the noise until at least 0249, late s/on. Heard national anthem at 0251. (Very poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6100 VATICAN Vatican Radio signing on at 0250 with woman announcer greeting listeners. (Poor, also poor on 7305 Nov 3 HTS-SL)

3240 SWAZILAND Trans World Radio at 0304 with nice African hi-life music, announcer in Shona, back to more music. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4790 PERU Radio Vision at 0328, Spanish, preacher, said "hallelujah" several times. Check at 0358, man with talk. Heard mention of Lima several times. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

3396 ZIMBABWE Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corp. presumed at 0332 with lively music, male announcer. (Poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

3255 SOUTH AFRICA BBC relay at 0341, discussion of Scottish parliament. (Poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9765 NEW ZEALAND RNZI at 0710 with a musical profile of 1930s crooner, Al Bowlley. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6185 CHILE CVC-La Voz at 0805 in Spanish with songs and female host. (Good, //6070 also good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6009.5 COLOMBIA LV de tu Conciencia at 0934 mostly preaching in Spanish, but couple sentences, including mention speaker was in Colombia, and a Scripture reading in English. 0937 into music. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4780 GUATEMALA Radio Coatån at 1032 with chorus singing national anthem, 1034 man with IDs and other announcements. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4790 PERU Radio Vision at 1053, Spanish, man with talk. 1055 ID and into song. 1057 more IDs and announcements. (Fair, sweeper QRM Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6185 MEXICO Radio Educacion at 1103 with instrumental national anthem, 1104 woman with ID. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9810 THAILAND Radio Thailand signing on at 1230 with fanfare, ID, man and woman. (Weak Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9450 GERMANY Polish Radio at 1301, man with news to 1304, ID as "External Service of the Polish Radio" into "Insight to Central Europe". (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9335 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea at 1306, man and woman with news. (Fair with QRM Nov 3 HTS-SL)

15665 HAWAII KWHR at 1309 ³Viewpoint² a type of religious commentary, host interviewing over the phone. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

12035 TURKEY Voice of Turkey 1330 s/on by fast-talking man, program lineup and news. (Very good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

13640 ALBANIA Radio Tirana 1530 s/on, woman with sked and news. (Poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11710 NORTH KOREA Voice of Korea 1533 man with news, ID. (Poor, //9335 very poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11690 JORDAN Radio Jordan at 1730 cut mid-song and then carrier off. (Very good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11990 KUWAIT Radio Kuwait 1800 s/on, ID, program lineup. (Very good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

6015 GERMANY Polish Radio at 1803, woman with news, mentions of Poland. (Weak Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11735 TANZANIA-ZANZIBAR Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar at 1806 with English news, 1810 into Swahili. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

11785 U.S.A. WHRA, World Harvest Radio, Greenbush, Maine at 1943, man preaching, address fro Harvest Christian Center, 1945 WHR plug and ID. (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

7320 IRAN Voice of Justice at 1953 commentary on US-Israel relations, 1956 "News and Views". (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL

6055 RWANDA Radio Rwanda at 2037 in French, pop music, telephone call from a listener, 2040 ID. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9735 RWANDA Deutsche Welle at 2046 with story on changing of traditional life in Sarajevo. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

7285 ALBANIA China Radio Int¹l 2047 program previews for the coming week, 2049 ID, then ³Song of the Week². (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

5010.8 MADAGASCAR Radio Madagasikara tentative at 2051 with soft, easy listening vocals. This continued, with few, if any announcements, until a sign-off at approximately 2215. Passport lists s/off for Saturdays as 2100. Some music was somewhat African hi-life, but most was very non-descript. (Weak to fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

5030 BUKINA FASO Radio Burkina at 2115 woman in French, 2117 ID "La Vox Burkina". (Fair Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4845 MAURITANIA Radio Mauritanie at 2120 wan and woman in French. (Poor Nov 3 HTS-SL)

4770 NIGERIA Radio Nigeria, Kaduna at 2121 English, female host, talk about soccer. (Good Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9760 CYPRUS CBC s/on at 2215, man with ID in Greek, Greek music. (Very good, //7210 poor under QRM Nov 3 HTS-SL)

9505 CUBA Radio Rebelde at 1153 with music that had a 1930s sound to it, female host. (Fair-good Nov 4 HTS-SL)

9510 BULGARIA European Gospel Radio via IRRS, Sunday-only broadcast at 1154 with preacher. 1200 ID "You are listening to the Italian Radio Relay Service." (Poor Nov 4 HTS-SL)

9625 CANADA CBC North One at 1218 ³All In A Week² with interview discussing compulsive hoarding behaviour. 1230 CBC news. (Fair, deteriorating after 1230 Nov 4 HTS-SL)

17725 FRANCE Voice of Africa (Libya) at 1401 talk by man, 1402 several IDs "Voice of Africa from the Great Jamahiriyah". (Good, but with a hum Nov 4 (Source: Harold Sellers/ODXA)