
Friday, November 16, 2007

FRS-Holland set for November 18 broadcast

Hello SW Friends,

FRS-Holland (Free Radio Service-Holland) will be carrying out its next broadcast November 18th 2007 (not the 11th what was originally intended)!
The broadcast will start at 08.00 UTC/09.00 CET and close down will be at 12.00 UTC/13.00 CET.
Of course we do hope propagation will be satisfactory that day. Program line-up consists of FRS Magazine, German Service, FRS Goes DX and part- the final part- of our documentary about the History of Offshore Jingles. Ingredients....great music, DX News, letters, a flashback to November 1980, an Internet item and an item about forgotten pirates.
That's the way we do it: real radio entertainment on a Sunday. Tune in...6220 kHz/ 48 metres.
November 25th 15.00- 18.00 UTC/16.00- 20.00 CET will see a full repeat of the November 18th broadcast but this time in streaming audio via the Internet. You should check on your computer or alternatively

February of this year we came up with a new series consisting of four different QSL cards called
the FRS Transmitter Series. QSL #2 will be issued in November. Edition of FRS News is out now containing four A4 pages full of information and columns. A copy can be obtained simply by sending 1 euro to our mailing address. Alternatively you can get yourself a free digital copy provided you have MS Publisher on your computer. In that case just send us an e-mail.
73s, Peter V. (on behalf of the FRS staff)
(Source: Tom Taylor)