
Monday, November 19, 2007

Japan donates radios to Solomon Islands disaster victims

A total of 200 portable radios have been donated to villages in the Western and Choiseul provinces of the Solomon Islands. The donation came from Japan through the Honorary Consul of Solomon Islands in Japan, Tsuguto Kitano.
Japan donated the 200 radios after learning of the disastrous earthquake and tsunami that hit the Western parts of the country on April 02, 2007. The radios have been shared equally among the two provinces with 100 radios each.
The radios can be used for 60 minutes using an AM frequency, 40 minutes using an FM frequency, and 15 minutes of light without a dry battery by just one minutes of rotating the handle of the built-in power generator.
(Source: Solomon Islands People First Network via Relief Web/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)