
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Namibia Broadcasting Corporation renews contract with RFI

The Namibian Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) has renewed its contract with Radio France Internationale for five more years, until 2012. The agreement will allow RFI to continue with its broadcast of the French language in Namibia through its frequency 107.9 FM.

Officiating at the occasion in the capital yesterday, Information and Broadcasting Minister, Netumbo Nandi- Ndaitwah, in a speech read by her Special Advisor, Mvula ya Nangolo, observed with joywhat she termed the extension of a mutually beneficial relationship. Nandi-Ndaitwah said it was good for the NBC to work with RFI in infrastructure and human resource development. She further said that equipment worth $250,000 was provided to the NBC, and that there would be exchange programmes between staff of both broadcasters.

On his part, French Ambassador, Phillipe Bossiere noted that RFI with its 45 million listeners worldwide was not only a French radio station, as it also broadcast in English. He sees the agreement as of cultural relevance to the French community living in Namibia. NBC’s Acting Director-General, Umbi Karuaihe-Upi and RFI’s Nicolas Champeaux signed the agreement. Since 2001, RFI leases NBC’ s facilities to the tune of $80,000 per year.
(Source: NBC/R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)