
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Radio St. Helena via QSL

Huzzah, Huzzah!!! I am very happy with this one. This reply came about two
years quicker than the last!

It is amazing what we SWLs will do to receive a little piece of paper. Pretty
fast mail service from St Helena.
Joe Wood
Greenback, Tennessee

ST. HELENA, Radio St. Helena Freq: 11092u. Date: 04/05 Nov 06. Time:
2157-0020. Recd a full data card in 739 days for an EG report, a follow up
letter, a follow up email, $5, an applause card, and local post card. The card
had two nice stamps featuring Napoleon and was address in a wonderful hand. It
was dated: 09-19-07 with a postmark date of 11/26/07. V/S: Laura Lawrences,
Station Mgr. QSL addy: Radio Saint Helena, QSL Manager, Post Office Box 24,
Jamestown, Saint Helena Island, STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean. Station addy:
Radio Station, Pounceys, St. Helena, STHL 1ZZ, South Atlantic Ocean. (Wood,