
Friday, December 14, 2007

Blog Logs - Clandestines

All times UTC

1550 MW, Polisario Front, Rabouni (is it really?), seems to be the most regular outlet of the existing two; // 6300 is off at times, and typical offers worse night time reception over here. (Gonçalves)

3880, Voice of Iranian Revolution, via Northern Iraq (p), 1455-1515, Dec 01, Kurdish, 32332. (Petersen)

3895-3925, Radio Voice of Kurdistan, Al-Salaymanuyah, via No. Iraq, *0245-0430v*, Dec 01 and 02, Martial sign on music, 0300 Kurdish ID, political comments and talk on Kurdistan comments, 0500 Farsi ann, ID, "Im Radyo Sedaye Kordestane", political talks, 35/2332. Hunted by Iranian jammer. (Petersen)

3912, Voice of the People, 1639, Dec 02, Korean operas and short talks, very difficult reception 311x1. (Liangas)

4365.8v, Voice of the Communist Party of Iran, 1450-1720, Dec 06, Kurdish songs, Kurdish ID at 1457, no jamming at all for several hours, jamming first noted around 1715. Internationale was played during the programme. Frequency drifted from around 4365.7 to 4365.9, 34444. (Vestesen)

5955, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Wertachtal, 2330-0030, and 9415, via Gavar, Armenia and via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar, 1430-1530, in Burmese and Vernaculars. On Dec 10, this exile organisation "National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma" with Headquarter's in Oslo, Norway, was honoured by the Danish Prize of Freedom of 100,000 DKK which once a year is given to an organisation supporting Human Rights. (Danish Press)

5985.0, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze, via Yamata, Japan, 1409-1430*, Nov 30 (Fr), in English, clearly a repeat of last Fridays program, at 1429:20 Female gives their "JSR" callsign, which is given only once. Reception was fair-poor, with no heterodyne today from Myanmar. Also in English on Nov 28 (We) with specific details of the abductees. (Howard)

6300, Radio National Saharaoui, 1945-2017, Nov 19 and Dec 03, Arabic ID's, very good // 1550 MW (in USB). (BOC11)

7280, Sudan Radio Service, via Dhabbaya, 0445-0500*, Dec 07, studio and outside audio talks in Arabic, short music pattern various times, 0458 maybe local folk music, 0459 ID and closing ann, 34333. (Bobrowiec)

7560, Andenet Le Democracy, via Samara (250 kW, 188 degrees), *1600-1700*, We Dec 05, Amharic ID after test tones, news, modern music, talk, phone-in talk, ex 9445, ex 15260, 55544. Change ann on their website as of Nov 07: and only We and Su. (Krone and Petersen; Ivanov via Bueschel and Gupta)

7560, Radio Xoriyo, via Samara (250 kW, 188 degrees), 1620-1630*, Sa 08, Somali talk, song without music, later HOA song with music, ex 9445, ex 15260, 55544. Scheduled Tu/Sa 1600-1630. (Petersen; Ivanov via Bueschel and Gupta)

9930, Open Radio for North Korea (ORNK) via Hawaii (KWHR), 1112-1131, Nov 26, in Korean with Korean ballad, Russian folk song, segment in English and Korean with news items (Mayor still missing after boat capsized this weekend, plans for a Bruce Lee theme park in Hong Kong, etc.), poor to fair, no jamming noted. (Howard)

11675, Rqdio Solh, via Dhabbaya, UAE, 1011, Dec 02, Hindi (Bollywood songs), S3 max signal. (Liangas)

11975, West African Democracy Radio, via Skelton, 0700-0800, Dec 05, no program noted today. Endless recording loop of CELLO music from Merlin VTC control room heard over and over gain during that hour today. (Bueschel)

12015, Voice of Meselná Delina, via WHRA, Greenbush, MA, USA ( 250 kW, 090 degrees), *1800-1830*, Mo-Fr, in Tigrigna to East Africa, 1830 English WHRA ID, ex 17650 since Dec 03. (Hauser and Ivanov via Bueschel, Dec 10)
(Source: DX Window # 339 via Anker Petersen)