
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Blog Logs - A focus on Africa

More logs tonight from our friends at the Danish SW Club International. Following is a sampling of this weeks newsletter of what DXers are hearing from Africa.
Gayle VH

4950, RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 1905-1939, Dec 01, Portuguese newscast, sports news towards the half hour, 44333, noisy audio and sporadic utility QRM.
The audio got better later in the evening. (Gonçalves). Also heard at 0430-0433, Dec 01, Afro pop music, poor audio. (BOC11)

5025, ORTB, Parakou, 1120-1515, Dec 01, French phone-ins, African pops, interview in progress at 1406, 25332, Vernacular at 1515 when rated 35443. (Gonçalves). Also 1702-2155,
Nov 29, 30 and Dec 07, French talk, ID: "Vous ècoutez Radio Parakou", phone call, lot of Afro pop music, 24322. (BOC11 and Méndez)

Burkina Faso
5030, Radio Burkina, 2354-2400*, Nov 28, end of music program with ann in French giving station ID and closedown ann followed by orchestra National Anthem. Fair signal but noisy conditions. (D'Angelo)

Congo Dem. Rep.
5066.33, La Voix du Congo, R Candip, 0401-0415, Dec 01, French news, fair. (BOC11)

Congo Dem. Rep. /South Africa Rep.
11890, Radio Okapi, via Meyerton, 1630-1645, Nov 11, French program, news and Afro popmusic, very good. (BOC11)

Equatorial Guinea
5005, Radio Nacional Guinea Ecuatorial, Bata, 0536-0606, Dec 01 and 05, Spanish talks "en esta parte informamos", 0540 short Elton John music, "la producion agricola", numerous mentions of Bata and a "Radio Nacional" before returning to musical programming, 23422. (D'Angelo and Bobrowiec). Also heard 1915-2245, Nov 29, 30, Dec 01 and 02, Spanish news 2000, African and international pop songs, often poor modulation, 34333. (BOC11, Gonçalves and Petersen)

7165.2, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Jewe, 1551-1603, Dec 09, Arabic talks, tunes, 1600 English, 23432 // 9560.5. (Gonçalves)
9560.5, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Jewe, 1544-1607, Dec 09, Arabic talks, tunes, 1600 English, 33443 weak audio. (Gonçalves)

4777, Radio Dif. TV Gabonaise, Melen, 1612-1646, Dec 02, French live report on a traditionel mask festival, 55444. (Gonçalves). Also heard *0457-0511, Dec 01, orchestra National Anthem followed by a man and woman announcers with ID and frequency ann in French. Good signal. (D'Angelo)

Guinea Rep.
7125, Radio Guinée, Sonfonya, 1040-1220, Dec 01, French talks on imports followed by Afropops, 34433. (Gonçalves)

4760.05, ELWA Radio, Monrovia, 0626-0650, hymns in English and Vernaculars, 35433. (Méndez). Also heard 2239-2300, Nov 15, English at 2239 giving an address in California, music and s/off with National Anthem
at 2300, 33323; no trace of this station on Nov 17 at 2230. (Van Arnhem).

15660, Radio Jamahiriya, Sabratha, 1601, Dec 08, regional instrumental music, Arabic news, comments, 35333. (Grimm)

5010, Radio Nasionaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 1840-2110*, Nov 29, Dec 01, 02 and 03, Malagasy, local and international pops, late broadcasts Sa and Su, 45333, but deteriorating of course. (BOC11, Gonçalves and Petersen)

5995, Radio Mali, Kati, Bamako, 0635-0645, Dec 01, French/Arabic alternating afro-pop music and talks, QRM of 6000 R Guaiba, 22422. (Bobrowiec)

4845, Radio Mauritania, 2135-2140, Dec 02, Arabic talks, poor audio muffled. Reactivated, but weak. (BOC11)

4176H, RTM-"C", Sébaa-Aioun, 1135, Dec 01, Berber talks, traditional music and songs, 15341; 4 x 1044. (Gonçalves)

7308H, RTM-"C", Sébaa-Aioun, 1132, Dec 01, Berber talks, traditional music and songs, 25342; 7 x 1044. (Gonçalves)

15335, RTV Marocaine, Briech, 1355, Dec 08, Arab instrumental music, very fast Arabic talks, 35443. (Grimm)

9705, La Voix du Sahel, Niamey, 1150-1326, Dec 02, French, tribal songs, newscast at noon, Vernacular talks, seemingly some radioplay, 35433. (Gonçalves)

Sao Tome
4960, Voice of America relay, Pinheira, 0432-0452, Dec 05, English news and "VOA News" IDs, various reports from correspondents and mention of "", fair. (D'Angelo)

3200, Trans World Radio, Mpangela Ranch, 1945-2000, Nov 26, English, Christian programme, ID at 2000 followed by address announcement. 23232 (Vestesen)

4976, Radio Uganda, Kampala, 0306-0424, Dec 01 and 06, highlife/urban hip-hop vocals, 0330 ID, fanfare by band at 0400, English news, fanfare again at 0410, news in Vernacular, advs, 34433. (D'Angelo, BOC11 and Churchill)
(Source: DX Window # 339 via Anker Petersen)