
Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Blog Logs

Afghanistan 6700 Radio Solh (tentative) 1650 heard with music and sure sounded like them.

Clandestine from ? to Ethiopia 7560 Andenet Radio (presumed) tried 9445 and found an empty channel. Tuned here at 1620 and this sure sounded like them. Jammed, but they were over the jamming. (Johnson Dec 5)
11900 Tensae Radio (presumed) 1500 sign on in the clear, weak. Jamming started a minute later and hammered these guys. (Johnson Dec 5)

Clandestine from ? to Iran 4366 Voice of Iranian Communists. Tuned in at 1432 and had a nice, clear channel with an interval signal heard. One announcement by man a minute later. The fun ended when the jamming started at 1434, I just could not tune this thing in after that. What I did hear reminded me of other Kurdish stations I have heard where the first several minutes are really an interval signal rather than programming. Also checked 3881 for Voice of the Revolution, but found it jammed as well. (Johnson Dec 5)

Clandestine from India to Pakistan 6100 Radio Sedayee Kashmir First time I have heard this one in a while, although I have checked the channel a number of times. 1446 with music and then a long talk by a women at 1448. (Johnson Dec 5)

Clandetine from Lithuania to Belarus 5815 Radio Racja (presumed) lots of interference on this channel, but presumed this one with talk in what I guess is Belarussian and some easy music. (Johnson Dec 5)

Eritrea 5100 Radio Bana have tried for this a number of times at 1500 with no luck. Do I have the schedule wrong? (Johnson Nov-Dec)

South Africa 11890 Radio Okapi at 1602 with news in French. Good signal with a number of ID's. (Johnson Dec 5)

United Kingdom 15265 (presumed) Thanks Noel's tip, heard this one at 1400 with lots of music and a good signal. (Johnson Dec 5)

Zambia 13650 CVC in English with pop music countdown at 1500. ID's as CVC Voice. Also heard the slogan, "The Planet." (Johnson Dec 5)
(Source: Hans Johnson via Cumbre DX)