
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Blog Logs

Today's shortwave BLOG LOGS, represent additional logs that were recently cut from my SWBC Logs column, due to space constraints. Contributions are always welcome for the magazine or blog, and may be directed to my above email address. Thanks very much to all the contributors for your kind words and support.
Gayle VH

All times UTC, frequencies in kHz, English unless otherwise indicated // parallel frequencies.
* sign-on - Sign-off *

Radio Nacional 6059.92, 2300-2310. Spanish soccer commentary. Weak and poor signal with adjacent channel splatter from Spain on 6055 and weak co-channel QRM from unknowns tation. Very weak //15345.01. (Brian Alexander, PA).

FEBA Radio 9820, 0113-0130. Listed as Marathi. Male announcer with contact info at tune-in. Station ID at 0115 then musical bits. Station identification and contact info cut-off at 0130 harp. Fair/good signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH)

Radio Logos 4865.05, 0125. Tentative log on long religoous solo vocals, low-key talk from announcer between music tunes, suddenly gone at 0150.* Strong S7 signal but weak audio, best in LSB to avoid utility QRM. (Brandon Jordon, TN).

Radio San Miguel 4699.40, 0115-0208.* Tentative with Spanish talk into Bolivian style music. Abrupt sign-off. Threshold signal at tune-in and improved to a more readable leve by 0200, but no station ID heard. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Santa Cruz 6134.80, 0113. Spanish religious talk by male announcer into choir music and mentions of Bolivia. S6-7 signal in LSB to avoid probable Radio Cairo in Spanish on 6135. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

Radio Yura 4716.67, 0125-0140. Spanish talk to a wide variety of Bolivian music tunes. Mentions of "Yura." Weak but readable. Sign-off noted around 0157. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Voice of America relay 4930, 0431-0445. Usual format from VOA with news and features. Signal was only fair with noise. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

Radio Aparecida 5034.99, 0045. Com a Mae Aparecida program with contemporary religious vocals to Catholic religious talk. Station ID and station announcements. Poor signal slowly drifting downward. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

Radio Clube do Para 4775.01, 0205. Full station ID included Para, Belem, Brazil location, followed by a station monologue and music vocals at 0215. Decent S7 signal with good modulation and CODAR interference. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

Radio Bare 4894.99, 0223. Tentative with Portuguese vocals and text. Noticeable audio hum, best to check signal in USB to avoid het from likely Radio Novo Tempo on 4894.88. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

La Voz Cristiana 6110, 1000-1025. Portuguese service with comments and text to music and fanfares. Popular music at 1025 into ID as, "CVC transmite...." at 1030. Fair signal quality. (Chuck Bolland, FL)

Shiokaze 9485, 1320. Obliterated by roaring noise on the frequency. Presume North Korea has finally started jamming this frequency. (John Wilkins, CO)

Marfil Estereo 5909.99, 0353. Lively Latin American vocals to station ID and local time check between songs. Good S7 signal, best in LSB to avoid utility on 5911. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

LV de Tu Conciencia 6009.44, 0346. Full station ID, time checks into phone conversation. Good S7 signal, best in LSB to avoid 6010. (Branmdon Jordan, TN).

Costa Rica
Radio Exterior de Espana 3350.0, 0416. Spanish discussion about Guatemala, then Colombia. Excellent S9 signal, marred by 60 Hz (and harmonic) hum. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

Dominican Republic
Radio Amanceur 6025, 0155-0215. Spanish religious music but poor overall signal quality due to a lot of adjacent channel splatter, (Brian Alexander, PA)

Equatorial Guinea
Radio Nacional-Bata 5005, 2230-2258.* Spanish talk to traditional African music. Afro pops to sign-off with long national anthem. Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA).

Radio Ethiopia 7110,01, 0320. Amharic with news magazine format program from male announcer to brief musical bridges. Good signal with slight hum from moderate signal spikes // 5960.006 poor quality. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

KTWR 12105, 1017-1057. Mandarin, Announcer extended announcements and talk. Musical ballad at 1050. Station ID and station contact info at 1057. Fair signal quality, improving by 1100. (Scott Barbour, NH).

Radio Verdad 4052.46, 0550-0605.* English gospel music to closing ID at 0558. Lenghty national anthem at 0600. Fair-good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA).

RRI-Gorontalo 3266.42, 1250-1310. Speech to nearly 1300, to retun at 1302. Arabic style vocal music. Station on late today, usually signs off around 1230 or so. (John Wilkins, CO).

RRI-Biak 4920, 1258-1303. Song of the Coconut Island interval signal to 1300. Jakarta news relay during poor band noises. Did not hear Xizang PBS. Sometimes Xizang is heard on this frequency, and sometimes RRI. Most mornings cannot tell which station is there due to the band noise. (John Wilkins, CO).

RRI-Wamena 4869.94, 1237-1314. Soft vocaL music, few if any announcements until music ended at 1302. Two announcers conversing in presumed Bahasa Indonesian, then back to music at 1310, but signal was weak. (John Wilkins, CO).

Radio Myanmar (presumed) 5040.59, 1237-1245. Talk by female announcer in unknown language then possible Burmese (?) vocal music. Poor and signal on the decline. (John Wilkins, CO).

Papua New Guinea
Radio Madang 3260, 1125-1200.* Island vocal music to Pidgin language announcements and a brief religious segment from 1152-1157. Closedown routine of drumming, sign-off announcements and national anthrm. Carrier off at 1202. One of many good signals from PNG this morning. (John Wilkins, CO)

Radio West New Britain 3235, 1257. Seemed to be a mix of island and pop music, with lady announcer in Pidgin after each song, continued past 1300. Fair signal and fading, tuned out at 1317. (John Wilkins, CO).

Radio Victoria 6019.49, 0745-0800. Spanish religious commentary. Lite style instrumental music. Weak signal on // 9720.04. (Brian Alexander, PA).

FEBC 12095, 1058-1115. Vernacular language voice-overs music at tune-in. Station interval signal to 1100talk and ballads.(Scott Barbour, NH).

FEBA Radio 12035, 0158-0213. Listed as Urdu language. Music to 0200, then announcer with Pakistan contact info. Station ID at 0202, followed by music and lady announcer's items between music. Presumed interviews at 0210. Fair signal quality. (Scott Barbour, NH).

Voice of Russia 5900, 0435-0445. Program of lite classical music with English comments between tunes. (Chuck Bolland, FL).

Radio Singapore International 6080, 1254-1309. Current Affairs program ending at 1258. Frequency announced of 6080 and 6150 kHz and address for website. Pop music program for good signal // 6150 which was covered by a Chinese language stations. (John Wilkins, CO)

South Africa
Radio Sonder Grense 3320.01, 0410. Instrumental and classical music with male announcer between songs. Poor to fair with moderate static. (Brandon Jordan, TN).

CVC 9975, 0053-0110. Language listed as Hindi. Usual format of banter between pop music and ballads. Station ID at 0101 into short newscast. Several CVC identifications and promos. Weak signal but clear. (Scott Barbour, NH).

ZBC 4828, 0020-0055. Continuous traditional African choral music. Poor signal copy with CODAR interference. Paralle freq 3396 weak but in the clear. (Brian Alewxander, PA).