
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Blog Logs

15344.47, Radio Nacional 0007-0032, Dec 9, live fútbol coverageand sports news, per their website <> this program is appropriately named "Pasión Nacional", scheduled for0000-0230 UT (Sun.), fair, noted parallel with their live audio streaming (AM 870). (Ron Howard-CA)

6230 VMW Wiluna, W.A. 1338-1351 Dec 8. Xmsn in progress with Northern Territory coastal waters forecast; switched to South Australia coastal waters forecast at 1344; off at 1351. Good signal. (Wilkins-CO)

2485 ABC NT Service (Katherine). 1238-1308. 8 Dec 07. English.First log of this station. YL announcer with program “Saturday NightCountry” featuring Country music artists from Australia. Several IDs. Verynicely done programming. Good. //2310 VP//2325 P (Wood, TN).

6090, Radio Station Belarus, Minsk, 2225-2259, Dec 8,tune-in to choral music. English talk at 2229. Variety of local pops, lite instrumental music. Audio always somewhat muffled. Poor undera strong Anguilla. // 7390-weak. Stronger on // 7360. (Brian Alexander, PA)

4409.8 Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2323-2335, 07-12, canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, comentarios, señal muy débil. Se escucha mejor en LSB. 15321. (Méndez)

5952.5 Radio Pio XII, Siglo XX, 2310-2322, 07-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios en español, noticias municipales. Fuerte interferencia de emisoras internacionales en 5950 y 5955. Se logra separar sólo en LSB. (Méndez)6

025, Radio Patria Nueva, La Paz, 2353-2358, 07-12. Canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, locutora, comentarios: "Continuamos aquí en la radio, sintonícenos". "Seguimos con mucho entusiasmo". A las 2358 desaparece, completamente interferida por China Radio Internacional en 6020 con programa en inglés. Señal muy débil. 13221. (Méndez)

6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0020-0033, 08-12, comentarios en español. Señal muy débil y con fuerte interferencia de Radio Aparecida, en 6135 kHz. 12321. (Méndez)

4815, Radiodifusora, Londrina, Paraná, 2204-2210, 07-12, locutor, portugués, canciones brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez)

4885, Radio Clube do Pará, Belém, 0638-0710, 08-12, estupendo programa musical de esta emisora "Clube da Madrugada". Canciones brasileñas, presentadas por locutor: "Vostede esta ouvindo Clube da Madrugada". 35433. (Méndez)

4915, Radiodifusora Macapa, Macapa, 2154-2158, 07-12, "A Voz do Brasil". 34333. (Méndez)

6010, Radio Inconfidencia, Belo Horizonte, 0738-0758, 08-12, canciones brasileñas, locutor, comentarios, identificación: "Inconfidencia", saludos a los oyentes: "5 horas 42 minutos". A partir de las 0758 la señal se vuelve muy débil y se escucha Radio Mil. 24322. (Méndez)

9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 2152-2202, 07-12, locutor, portugués, comentarios, locutora, identificación: "Radio Cultura".23322. (Méndez)

9645, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 0956-1002, 08-12, portugués, locutor, comentarios. 24322. (Méndez)

9684,8, Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo, 2146-2149, 07-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil". 24322. (Méndez)

9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 2149-2153, 07-12, "A Voz do Brasil". 23222. (Méndez)

11750, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 2138-2143, 07-12, programa "A Voz do Brasil", noticias y comentarios. 24322. (Méndez)

11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2120-2124, 07-12, locutor, portugués, comentarios, anuncios comerciales, identificación: "Radio Guabia". 23322. (Méndez)

11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 0952-0956, 08-12, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 23322. (Méndez)

11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 2120-2124, 07-12, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 23322. (Méndez)

11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 2143-2148, 07-12, locutor, comentarios de fútbol. 44444. (Méndez)

Burkina Faso
5030, Radio Burkina, *0558-0620, Dec 9, Sign onwith National Anthem followed by opening French announcements.French talk. French ballads. Afro-pops. Poor with adjacent channel splatter from Cuba 5025. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5000 BPM Lintong 1459 Dec 7. Ten repetitions of "BPM" in Morse Code beginning at 1459:00. I believe there was a voice ID by a YL at 1459:48 (seemed to be in CH). Fair signal but under WWV and WWVH, of course. (Wilkins-CO)

5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 2342-0015, 07-12, canciones latinoamericanas, identificación: "Marfil Estereo", anuncios comerciales: "Supermercado Pato Loco, en Puerto Rico, Meta". 33333.
También 0701-0750, 08-12, canciones latinoamericanas, comentario religioso "La venida del Señor por Martin Stendall",luego más canciones, llaneras, identificación: "Estás en sintonía con HKI79 FM Marfil Estereo". 44444. (Méndez)

6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 2328-2339, 07-12, locutor, locutora, comentarios, anuncios comerciales, menciona "San José del Guaviare". 23332. (Méndez)

11690, HCJB, La Voz de los Andes, 1145-1200, 08-12, programa "Galápagos", dedicado a estas islas del Ecuador. Hoy comentario sobre las personas que se han establecido en el archipiélago, tarjetas de tránsito necesarias para ir a ese lugar, "emigrantes ecuatorianos en las Islas Galápagos", "situación irregular de parte de los inmigrantes". "Este privilegiado lugar del planeta". "Tendrán una nueva cita con Galápagos la próxima semana". 23322. También por 11960 con SINPO 23222. En cambio hoy no logro sintonizarla en 21455 USB. (Méndez)

3810, HD2IDA,Guayaquil, 0732-0736, 08-12, señales horarias, anuncio cada minuto: "Al oir el tono serán las 2 horas, 32 minutos, 0 segundos". 154321. (Méndez)

3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0559-0650, 08-12, canciones religiosas en español, locutora, comentarios, a las 0700 lectura del Rosario. 24322. (Méndez)

8 Dec 2007 noted Ethiopian jammers at 1748 on 7100and 7175, apparently against Eritrea. At the same time similarjammer was on 9485, I guess against VO Oromo Liberation.All went off around 1800 as did the target stations, too.Jari Savolainen,Kuusankoski,Finland)

Euro Pirate-Scotland
6399.91, WMR-Weekend MusicRadio, 0507-0530, Dec 9, pop music of the 70s. IDs. Poor to fair.Must use ECSS-USB to avoid rtty on low side. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6030, Bible Voice (presumed) via Nauen, 0034-0057, Dec 9, OMin English (with accent), religious talk and music, poor. (RonHoward-CA)

7450 Radiofonikos Stathmos Makedonias 2245-2250* Dec 7. Last few minutes of xmsn with Greek mx to 2250, then YL with ID "Edo Thessaloniki, Radiofonikos Stathmos Makedonias...," then sked and anthem; off at 2251. VG signal and great mx. (Wilkins-CO)

4840, AIR Mumbai, 0026-0028, 08-12, canciones hindues. 34333. (Méndez)4860,

AIR Delhi A, Kingsway, 0024-0026, 08-12, inicio programación, música de sintonía. 44444. (Méndez)

4880, AIR Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 0028-0030, 08-12, música hindú. 24322. (Méndez)4910, AIR Jaipur, Rajasthan, 0030-0033, 08-12, música hindú. 34333. (Méndez)

5006 JG2XA Tokyo 1412-1440 Dec 7. Morse ID's every couple of minutes or so. The text is as follows: "JG2XA JG2XA JG2XA UEC HFD station" sent around 10 wpm. Fair signal, about even with the local band noise on peaks. (Wilkins-CO)

3925 Radio Nikkei 1328-1330* Dec 5. Last minute of classical mx pgm; ID at 1329 as "Kochirawa Nikkei Radiosha" by M ancr who then named all six stations in the group by call letters (JOZx, where x is a single-digit number) and power. Xmsn ended at 1330; carrier off a minute later. (Wilkins-CO)

4760, ELWA Radio Monrovia (probable), 0626-0650, canciones religiosas en inglés y algunas en vernáculo. 35433. (Méndez)

5009.95, RTV Malagasy, 0330-0345, Dec 9, localreligious choral music & vernacular talk. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)

7295, RT Malaysia, 1145-1200 Noted a female in comments. At 1148, musicpresented. Signal is poor to threshold. (Chuck Bollland, December 8, 2007)

6010, Radio Mil, México DF, 074500-0945, 08-12, locutora, español, "Vive México en Radio Mil", "Viaja por México con Radio Mil", canciones latinoamericanas, "En Radio Mil vive la música de México". Al principio algo de interferencia de Radio Inconfidencia, Brasil, luego no interferencia. No se escucha La Voz de tu Conciencia. 24322. (Méndez)

6185, Radio Educación, México DF, 0816-0930, 08-12, canciones latinoamericanas, al principio ligera interferencia de Radio Voz Cristiana, a partir de las 0900 no interferencia. 34433. (Méndez)

9599.2, Radio UNAM, México DF, 0812-1058, 08-12, música clásica, ópera, Alas 0859 identificación: Radio UNAM, 860 kHz. Amplitud Modulada, 9600 kHz, onda corta, banda internacional de 31 metros. A continuación escuchen concierto en re mayor, Orquesta de Cámara Inglesa". Se escucha hasta las 1058 en que comienza Radio Habana Cuba en 9600 kHz. 24322 variando a 34333. (Méndez

4815, Mongolian Radio, Murun, 2256-2320, 07-12, música mongol. 23222. (Méndez)

7255 Voice of Nigeria 2123-2200+ Dec 8. FR program with assorted features, not much mx, and occasional "La Voix de Nigeria" ID's; one feature was on ebola and other diseases in Sudan and/or Darfur; hard to follow the African-accented ancrs. Went into Hausa at 2158. VG signal - not used to hearing Africa on this band in the early afternoon at this longitude! (Wilkins-CO)

48324.93, Radio Maranon, 1050-1115, With CODAR directly on this freq causing problems, heard basically a male in Spanish comments throughout the listening period. Prior to the hour during comments, "Iquito" mentioned often. At 1104, canned ID heard as "...Radio Maranon...". This was followed with news. At 1117 canned promos. More live comments follow. Signal was fair at begining of sked, but dropped to threshold by 1120. Ofcourse CODAR stayed at it's peak level during the period causing me to get an early morning headache. (Chuck Bolland, December 5, 2007)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, 1050-1105 Just tuning around and stopped on a carrier here. As the signal improved slightly, my attention was drawn to the music which turned out to be typical Huaynos. Other music follows. At 1100 a period of news and ID. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, December 6, 2007)

4746.9, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2304-2320, 07-12, locutora, español, comentarios y anuncios comerciales. 25322. (Méndez)

4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0548-0650, 08-12, español, programa religioso, locutor: "Están escuchando La Voz de la Salvación". "Les esperamos en el Coliseo General de Chiclayo" "Iglesia Pentecostal La Cosecha". canciones religiosos y comentarios. 35333. (Méndez)

4974,8, Radio del Pacífico, Lima, (probable), 0612-0625, 08-12, predicaciones religiosos, español-portugués. Señal muy débil, sólo audible en LSB. 14321. (Méndez)

6173.8, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzco, 0006-0022, 08-12, locutor, comentarios en español. Apenas audible y solo en LSB. Locutora. 14321. (Méndez)

9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0619-0645, 08-12, locutor, español, hablando con los oyentes: "Al llegar aquí, a la Iglesia Pentecostal Dios es Amor". 33333. (Méndez)

11975 Kamchatka Rybatskaya not heard in a long time in the 0000-0100 Sunday UTC time slot. Gone for good or moved to another freq/time? Lately CRI has been occupying 11975 at this time with a VG signal. (Wilkins-CO)

6075, Radio Rossii via Petropavlovsk-Kamchatka, 0432-0509, Dec 7,Russian folks songs and ballads, Russian conversations, ToH 5 + 1pips, many "Radio Rossii" IDs, fair reception with less than perfectaudio (muffled); clearly parallel with 5935 via Magadan, fair-poormixing with WWCR; 7200 via Yakutsk, fair with the usual warble; 7320via Magadan, the weakest. Re-checked at 1146 UTC to find 6075 good,5935 poor, further under WWCR, 7200 only had Chinese language station,with no R. Rossii heard, 7320 a clear frequency but also with no R.Rossii. Thanks to Noel Green (UK) for pointing out the Magadan changefrom 5940 to 5935 during the winter. Dec 8, from 1808-1834 heard audio sounded better today. Noted parallelwith 5935, fair with no QRM (nice!) and 7320, poor but in the clear.7200 was totally covered with strong Asian station and a strong het. Have noticed that R. Rossii tends to cluster their IDs together withina 2-3 minute time span and then will not give one again till another cluster. Good reception conditions for Russia. (Ron Howard-CA)

6150, Mediacorp Radio, 1414-1435, 07-12, locutor, inglés, noticias y comentarios, canciones, identificación: "93.8 Live". Interferencia de Radio Austria en 6155. 23322. (Méndez)

4765.04U Bangkok Meteorological Radio 1309-1400* Dec 9. Did some detailed monitoring on this one. Three languages are rotated: EG, Thai, and Khmer, I think. Each segment lasts 2-4 minutes and is separated by their 1½-minute-long IS. The EG segment is by a man, the other two by YL's. The EG ID is simply "This is Bangkok Meteorological Radio..." followed by freqs, anc'd as 6765.1 and 8743, and sked, anc'd as 00-02, 03-05, 06-08. 09-11, 12-14, 15-17, 18-20, and 21-23 UTC. True to the anc'd sked they went off at 1400 (approx.) this morning. 6765 was good; nothing heard on 8743U. (Wilkins-CO)

7255, Voice of America relay, 1155-1200 Noted various persons in Indonesian language comments and news. Recorded segments in English. Signal was goodl (Chuck Bolland, December 8, 2007)

5015, Turkmen Radio, Asgabat, 1817-1825, 07-12, música turkmeno. 35333. (Méndez)

4975.97, Radio Uganda, 0345-0430, Dec 9, variety ofAfro-pops, African choral music. English news at 0404-0421 followedby several public service announcements concerning governmentprograms, medicine distribution for control of malaria & other topics.Good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

5000, Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, 0646,-0657, 08-12, Señales horarias, identificación cada minuto: "Observatorio Naval Cagigal, Caracas, Venezuela, al oir el tono serán las 2 horas, 47 minutos, 0 segundos". 34333. Se sigue escuchando también en 5100 kHz, con peor señal. 25322. (Méndez)

9839.89 Voice of Vietnam 2333-2345+ Dec 7. EG xmsn - YL with news from Vietnam; OM with world news summary at 2339; commentary on government corruption at 2342; tuned out at 2345. Went off around 2357 or so per spot-checks. Good signal and // to 12019.6 which was fair but hampered by HCJB's PT on 12020. (Wilkins-CO)
(Source: John Wilkins, Colorado; Joe Wood, TN; Brian Alexander, PA; Chuck Bolland, FL; Ron Howard, CA; Jari Savolainen, Finland/HCDX; Manuel Mendez, Spain/HCDX)