
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Caroline Classic Rock - hoax or not ?

A professional-looking website has appeared, claiming that a new offshore station called Caroline Classic Rock will be launching in 2008. What’s odd is that the station claims to have studios in Colorado, USA, but says it’s registered in Cuba!

The home page says that “Our music format will be the same as Arrow Rock and our friends at Radio Free Colorado. More News on Caroline Classic Rock frequency and about Mi Amigo 2, anchored 2 miles off the coast of Monrovia of Republic of Liberia for work to being [sic] carried out on the AM/SW Transmitters, and it will then sail to International Waters off the Frinton Coast in early 2008. The supply ship is a reg Cuban ship and will supply Mi Amigo 2 every 6 weeks with fuel, water, food, post and a new Cuban crew.”

The details in bold appear in a different font, and seem to have been added or changed later than the rest of the text.

The schedule is given as “AM English Service 06.00 - 018.00 [sic] hrs, AM Dutch Service 018.00 - 06.00, 7415 kHz Short Wave Service in English.”

The website also says that “all programmes will be coming from our studio in Colorado in USA via a satellite link to Mi Amigo 2, our night time frequency will be legal.”

The only name mentioned is Chris O’Railly, who is listed as both the technical and administrative contact for the website. Contact details can be found using the WHOIS process. We are not allowed to reproduce that information here.

However, the purpose of the website appears to be to wind up Peter Moore, who runs the UK based Radio Caroline. There is mention of an “Up Yours Moore” Caroline Classic Rock Party in Howth, Dublin, but no date or time is mentioned.

We would be interested to hear from anyone with further information on this project, or confirmation that it’s a hoax.

Station website:
(Source: R Netherlands Media Network Weblog)