
Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Best of the Best - DX newsletters

Today's focus on Best of the Best, features what is considered by Shortwave Central, as the best newsletter available to DXers. The newsletter includes the latest news and observations, plus logs, frequency updates, QSLing and information on publications available. Shortwave Central wishes continued success to DX Window and the fine folks from the Danish Shortwave Club International. To update our readers and newcomers the following includes the DX Window policy.
Gayle Van Horn

The DX-Window is a bi-weekly electronic newsletter made for members of the Danish Shortwave Club International. Its content is mainly based upon loggings and other information from our own members, but in a few cases extraordinary news from other DX-ers are included. Thus we depend on YOUR contributions which should be sent to the editor. Please use our format and add your last name in brackets after each item. All times are UTC and frequencies in kilohertz.

The DX-Window primarily deals with news and loggings of rare shortwave broadcasting stations, particularly domestic services. It must be news compared to our latest Domestic Broadcasting Survey. The editor is free to ”cut hard” and bring only the hottest items, he receives. Ordinary loggings mentioned in the latest edition of the DX-Window will normally not be mentioned next time. Because of that, please use the latest two editions when you are DX-ing!

Reproduction of single items from the DX-Window is allowed, provided that due credit is given to the contributor and to the DX-Window.

The DX-Window is distributed in three versions:

A) By e-mail as an attachment in .doc-format with all original graphics, or
B) as a large e-mail in .txt-format where the graphics may be missing, but with no attachment.
C) Can be downloaded from our website .
You can get your copy changed to another version at any time, or unsubscribe, just by telling the distributor.

Loggings or schedules of regularly heard stations should NOT be sent to the DX Window. Such loggings can be sent to our SW tips editor Klaus-Dieter Scholz at Schedules are welcomed by the editor of World News, Noel R. Green at

Danish Shortwave Club International website: