
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Blog Logs - Clandestine activity

4880, SW Radio Africa, via Meyerton, 1717, Jan 04, hilife songs, nearly clear all the time except some QRM from Mossad in USB; heard // 7125 which all the time was covered by possibly R Vatican in Turkish. (Liangas)

5815, Radio Racja, Sitkunai, Lituania, 1705-1729*, Dec 30, Belarusian ann, Rap music, 45444. (Petersen)

5965, Shiokaze, via Yamata, 2244, Jan 04, Japanese talks, signal S4 better in LSB to avoid utility QRM. (Liangas)

6185, Radio República, via Sackville (?), heard on reactivated 6185 at *0200-0240, Dec 27, 28 and Jan 07, Spanish talk about Cuba with Cuban jamming. Must be a fairly recent change, and we can say goodbye to any chance of hearing R Educación, México, during this bihour. R Republica started B-07 on 6100 at *0200-0400*, and was there the last time I (Hauser) checked, having forced Vatican via Canada to move to 6040, 35444. Bernardini, Petersen)

6300, RASD, Rabouni, 1855-2200, Dec 24 and Jan 04, Arabic, local berber-like music, ann, ID, political talks, heard all evening, 34444. (Bernardini and Vestesen)

9780, Furusato No Kaze, via Taiwan, 1605-1630*, Jan 05, Japanese with some local songs and lengthy talks. Strong and clear signal. (Korinek in DXplorer)

9795, CMI /Voice of Wilderness, via Taiwan, 2009, Jan 04, Korean religious talk, marginal signal. (Liangas)

9820, Nippon no Kaze, via Taipei, 1711, Jan 04, Korean talks, marginal signal, just above the noise floor. (Liangas)

9825, Miraya FM, via Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia (IRRS), *1500-1800*, Dec 29, Jan 04, 05 and 06, talks in Arabic and another language, hymns, ID: "Radio Miraya", 33423. Very good signal in South Africa until 1800 when AWR s/on on the same channel with a broadcast also to Sudan. (D'Angelo, Korinek in DXplorer, Liangas and Wilkins in DXplorer)

9840, Sudan Radio Service, via Moscow (VT Communications), *1459-1703, Jan 04 and 06, English, s/on with IDs, address ann and the programme "Let's Talk", later Vernacular talks and songs. QRM on the same frequency from World Harvest R, USA. 32332. (Liangas and Vestesen)

11975, West Africa Democracy Radio, 0720-0730, Jan 05, English talk about Liberia and Monrovia, several IDs - also as "W.A.D.R.", 34444. (Vestesen)

15665, Voice of Biafra International, via WHRI, 2002-2058*, Dec 28, frequent IDs in English ("You are tuned to the Voice of Biafra International broadcasting to you from Washington, DC transmitting on 15.67 megahertz frequency in the 19 meter band bringing you matters of interest to Biafra.") with music and features about Biafra. Almost everything was in English except for one three minute segment which was in a local language. After program ended WHRI gave its ID and ended broadcasting on this frequency. Fair. (D'Angelo)
(Source: DX Window #341 via Anker Petersen)