
Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blog Logs

The following logs represent a sampling of those from the current DX Window newsletter.
Gayle VH
All times UTC

6035, Bhutan Broadcasting Service, Sangaygang, checked them from 2355 signal till 0055 when heard weak tone and carrier. Then suddenly at 0100 started music. I feel since the SW would not propagate at 0000, they bring up the transmitter on SW at 0100 straight into the programme. On Jan 06 at 0033 I was hearing them weak, a bit stronger at 0050 but bad splatter from 6030 Bible Voice to India from Wertachtal (500 kW). (Goonetilleke). It seems they have a new s/on time around 0100. I heard them at *0050, Jan 04; *0100-0140, Jan 05; on Jan 07 it was very weak and only audible at 0140-0155; *0100 on Jan 08, instrumental music, native songs, talks in Dzongkha, 34333. (Petersen)

4409.8, Radio Eco, Reyes, Beni, 2358-0015, Dec 24, lovely programme of LA-songs, greetings: “Mensaje para nuestra oyente...”, “Atención, mensaje para Javier Cuellar”, “Radio Eco”, 25322. (Méndez)

4781, Radio Tacana, Tumupasa, 2325-2348, Dec 27, local music (sounds like bolero), talks in Spanish "La Paz, Republica de Bolivia", advs "motosierra", some Happy New Year messages "para todos", "este ano vindoro", ID's: "Radio Tacana ...una tradicion sintonia del momento", nearly recent english pop music "new love
generation", 22432. (Bobrowiec)

6079.94, Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 0245-0300, Jan 01, special transmission for New Year, Andean songs, local advs by male and female in Aymara and Spanish, greetings: "......felicidades y saludos para....", 22432. (Slaen). Also heard at 1020-1035, Jan 07, local type music, Spanish ann, canned promos or advs presented, Station ID: "... Radio San Gabriel ...". Signal was fair at times, but overall poor. Without a very narrow filter, it would be almost impossible to hear this station due to the crowded frequency - using 180 Hertz. (Bolland)

4805, Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, AM, 0020, Jan 02, sung jingle "Difusora", Portuguese ID: "Difusora AM 1180, quem tá no rádio, tá ligado". Advs with reference to Amazonas, complete ID: "ZYH280 1180 kHz, Radio Difusora AM, ZYF273 4805 kHz, faixa de 62,4 metros, ondas tropicais, Rádio Difusora, a Voz do Brasil, ergulhosamente amazonense", 35333.
(Grimm in Jarinu)

4865, Radio Alvorada, Londrina, 0642-0653, Dec 25, religious programme in Portuguese, Rosario, 24322. (Méndez)

9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, AM, 1742, Jan 02, Portuguese talk, "Manaus", sports news, 1755 newsbulletin (QRM 9685 Radio Gazeta SP), 33433. (Grimm in Jarinu). Also heard at 0956-1007, Dec 30, Brazilian songs, talk, advs, ID: "Radio Rio Mar, Onda Media, 1290 kHz, ondas curtas, 49 metros, 6160 kHz, 31 metros, 9695 kHz, Radio Rio Mar, Manos, Amanzonas, Brasil", 34333. (Méndez)

6009.6, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0719-1101, Dec 30 and 31, Jan 01, Sr. Martin Stendal with religious programmes, slogan: "Colombia para Cristo", "This is the Voice of Your Conscience", light vocals and instrumentals, quick English ID,1058 played Colombian National Anthem in mid-program followed by ID, 35333. (Berg and Méndez)

3220, HCJB Global Voice, Quito, 0847, Jan 02, Christian hymns accompanied by flutes and string instruments, Quechua talk, 35443. (Grimm in Jarinu)

6140, MV Baltic Radio via Wertachtal, 1325-1400*, Su Jan 06, ann of new frequency (ex 5965) in G and E, ID's, oldies, adv for MV Baltic Radio Coffee Cup", 55545. (Petersen). On 6140 since Jan 06 1300-1400 using a non-directional antenna
system (Quadrant antenna). (Taylor, Jan 03)

9290, Radio Joystick, via Ulbroka, *0900-0958*, Sa Jan 05, German ann, Techno music, 45332, strong signal, but weak modulation. (Henderson in DXplorer and Petersen)

4759.97, ELWA, Monrovia, 0618-0802, Dec 30 and Jan 05, religious vocals and instrumentals. New transmitter put in a pretty good signal for this hour, but voice audio is still muddy.QRN and CODAR, 24432. (Berg, Churchill and Howard)

6184.96, Radio Educacion, México DF, 0859-1105, Dec 25 and Jan 06, semi-classical music, ID: “Radio Educación, 1060 Amplitud Modulada, transmitiendo desde ... Colonia del Valle”. “Entrecruzamiento, todos lo martes y jueves a las 20 horas”. “Todos los días, de lunes a viernes, escuche nuestro noticiero, a las 8 de la mañana, 2 y media de la tarde y 8 de la noche”. Havana came on 6180 at 1100. Educacion went through with no ann and played the Mexican National Anthem at 1102-1105. I expected them to s/off, but they then continued on with a short ann and more music, 44444. (Berg and Méndez)

4523.5, Radio Superior, 2330-0230, Sa Dec 29 and Su Dec 20, new station heard through much noise with New Year's greetings in a program called "Superfiesta". Station ID: "...escucha a Radio Superior en banda de onda corta, banda que llega a todo el Perú, Radio Superior 4523 Kilocilos..."Location was difficult to catch, but ends with " - - - bamarca...". In earlier years there was a R Superior on 5300 in Distrito de Bolivar and in Naranjos on 6237v. (Rodriguez). It was also heard at 2300-2400, Jan 05, and the location is Bambamarca, Cajamarca. (Dioses in HCDX)

6173.79, Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 0021-0236, Dec 25, 29 and Jan 01, Spanish national and regional news, huaynos, ID: "...en Radio Tawantinsuyo...", TC and ID: "...las 9 de la noche con 42 minutos ....Radio Tawantinsuyo...", 23432. (Méndez and Slaen).
Also 1038-1115, Jan 06 and 07, Spanish comments between musical selections, poor. (Bolland)

4976, Radio Uganda, Kampala, *0205-0225, Dec 27, Vernacular, New s/on time, Afropop, 34333. (Petersen). Also heard 0357-0415, Jan 04, high-life music, 0400 Anthem, news in English (items about Nairobi, Uganda [the recent changes in prices] and sports news), ID: "You are listening to the news on Radio UBC, Kampala", news ended with "main points again" and Anthem, poor to fair. A rare treat for me to hear this. (Howard)

4828, Voice of Zimbabwe, Guineafowl, Gweru (presumed), 0357-0420, Dec 26, fair with non-stop high-life music and songs. (Howard). Also heard 2000-2010, music, 44444. (Wernli)
(Source: DX Window #341 via Anker Petersen)