
Friday, January 11, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC

9580 kHz, Radio Australia noted as completely absent at 1115 UTC, quite good on 6020 kHz. Sometimes this happens from roughly 1000-1200 with low MUFs, though usually at least weakly heard, but usually back to good levels by 1200 or shortly after.
January 5. (R Chambers, NY/Cumbre DX)

9744.6 Radio Bahrain. Following up on Zacharias' tip. Heard via DX Tuner Sweden. Arabic music at 1545 tune in. Lots of splatter, but best in LSB. World news in Arabic at 1600-1604. Lots for program promos after the news, but the splatter made it hard to catch an ID, I finally got one at 1608. (Hans Johnson/Cumbre DX Jan 9)

4885 kHz, Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 0404 UTC, SINPO 32222 and slightly better at times with CODAR, bassy folk music, pop music, Portuguese between songs, ID at 0424. January 6. (R Chambers, NY/ODXA)

4915 kHz, Radio Nacional, Macapa (most likely, listed as on to 0700), vs. Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, (normally off after 0200). From 0424 UTC, with light music, ballads, Portuguese announcer, into pop / jazz at 0432 UTC. No definitive ID heard. SINPO 32222 with CODAR QRN. January 6.(R Chambers, NY/ODXA)

from unknown to Ethiopia 11900 Tensae Ethiopia Voice of Unity I believe this one is off the air, or at least not on 11900 any longer. I checked for them this morning at 1543 via DX Tuner Sweden and heard nothing. I then took a look at their website and noticed that the last audio file was from November. I then checked the audio files on the RMS system and found that I couldn't hear either the program or any jamming. (Hans Johnson/Cumbre DX Jan 9)

Sites to South Africa 7125 SW Radio Africa 1704 Heard via DX Tuner Sweden with English announcement giving their email address. Co-channel interference with SW Radio Africa often in the background, but I could not hear any jamming. (Hans Johnson/Cumbre DX Jan 9)

9250 Nile Valley Radio 1653 Heard via DX Tuner Sweden. I hoped to catch their 1700 sign on to see what schedule information they would give. Checked at 1658 to hear music, but the only frequency they announced at 1700 was an AM channel. ID's and then into Quran. (Hans Johnson/Cumbre DX Jan 9)

6110 Radio Fana (Addis Ababa) (presumed), 0450-0500, 1/6/2008, Oromo (per schedule). Non stop horn of Africa music heard under BBC Rampisham's Arabic broadcast. No parallel noted. SINPO 22222. (Jim Evans, TN)

6110 Radio Fana (Addis Ababa) (presumed), 0450-0500, 1/6/2008, Oromo (per chedule). Non stop horn of Africa music heard under BBC Rampisham's Arabic broadcast. No parallel noted. SINPO 22222. (Jim Evans, TN)

5040 AIR Jeypore hrd 12/28 from 0055 tune to 0115 fade with live broadcast of Cricket
Test Match (presumed) by a man ann, occasional short coml. Beginning fast fade after 0110, typical of Indian regionals via long path here. SINPO 25532. This station is usually only good for 20-25 min of audibility during morning bcst via long path. Other regional sites have even shorter windows, e.g. Gangtok on 4.835 can be hrd w/ sign-on at 0058 but is essentially gone by 0105. Indian regional long path reception this year does not seem as reliable as previous Decembers, w/ weaker sigs and shorter windows of audibility. In researching some background data on Jeypore (looking for a good city photo), I discovered that in some references, Jaipur (capital of Rajasthani state) is sometimes referred to as Jeypore, while the “real” Jeypore is a smaller town in Orissa state. AIR Jaipur is on 4.910. (B Churchill, Cumbre DX)

11784.95 (x9526) VoINS Jakarta noted tonight back on 25 mb. Wonderful smoot music songs played after 1830 UT, and a new? voiceful male announcer on German service could be heard with "Hier ist Jakarta, Sie hoeren die Stimme Indonesiens". (wb, Germany/HCDX)

7160 kHz, Voice of Justice, 0155 UTC with news by female, slightly readable at times, SINPO 33222, occasionally 33433; male ID with jingle, then an interview (name unintelligible) on the FBI as a “federal” institution, “This is the Voice of Justicecoming to you live from Tehren,” woman with views of US public on war in Iraq, mention of a Bloomberg web site, program on “the Other War” and “Iraq as your Witness.” Low audio by 0205 with SINPO 23222. January 4th.(R Chambers, NY/ODXA)

7235, Radio Singapore International, 1101-1110, Initially noted a female in Malay Language comments. At 1105, news is finished and music commences. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland,FL January 9, 2008)

SLOVAKIA. 9825, Miraya FM, via IRRS, 1500-1505, Jan 4, English news. Mentioned website. Poor, difficult copy with unidentified co-channel station at equal level. Wiped out by DRM noise at 1505. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6065 kHz, Radio Sweden (is this still Horby as in PPWBR 2006), 2235 UTC, SINPO 32333, dominant to unidentified piano, then Mideast music underneath, talk, English ID. January 3.(R Chambers, NY/ODXA)

5960 kHz, Voice of Turkey at 2305 UTC, with end of news, and into “Outlook,”
an interesting analysis of Pakistan’s situation and parallels with Turkey in fight against terrorism. Mention that Turkey has lost “tens of thousands” to terrorism in their war against the PKK (Kurdish nationalists / separatists). Theme song for this editorial (before and after) was Fanfare for the Common Man by Copeland. Very good signal, SINPO 44444, but somewhat worse, fair, by 2330. January 5. (R Chambers, NY/ODXA)

6165, Voice of Vietnam-4, (pres),1035-1100 With at least three persons commenting
together, a female and to gents, it was very difficult to hear details in the noise. Heard some music but it wasn't descriptive. Mainly the period was covered with unidentified language comments. Signal was poor and at around 1055 the band started to collapse while Radio Nederland sticks their carrier on the air for the 1100 Spanish sked. VOVI is covered completely at this time. (Chuck Bolland, FL January 9, 2008)

11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1820, Jan 4, English news at 1800-1809. "Spice FM" ID. Swahili talk at 1809. Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)