
Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to Hans Johnson, Arnaldo Slaen, Harold Frodge, and Chuck Bolland for the following shortwave loggings
Gayle VH

All times UTC - // parallel frequencies

9500, 1035-1105 Noted a religous station here during period. Not sure of the language being broadcast? At about 1051, a seaonal song heard. At 1056 other music heard. This time it's Hindu type music making me think I am listening to CVC out of Australia. However my current list from Eibi says CVC comes up at 1100 not 1000. Female talks in Hindi after and during the music. Station is taking over the frequency as it's signal improves. Heard "CVC" in comments on the hour by female. Heard "Bollywood" mentioned during music. So this must be that via Australia. (C. Bolland, January 4, 2008)

9744.6 Radio Bahrain (via DX Tuner Sweden) Heard at 2000 with news in Arabic. ID by man during actuality on Pakistan. Pretty decent signal but had to tune in LSB as there was a station on 9745. (H. Johnson, FL Jan 5)

6079,94 Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 0245-0300, January 01, Spanish/Aymara. Special transmission for New Year. Andean songs and local advertisements by male/female announcers in Aymara and Spanish. Greetings noted as: "......felicidades y saludos para....", SINPO 22432 (A. Slaen, Argentina)

12080 La Voix du Amerique.(Voice of America relay) 2014, 4-Jan. Male announcer in French with commentary and playing Cuban music tunes. SIO=4+43+ noted with utility signal burst. (H. Frodge, MI)

4935 Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, ES, 0007+, January 01. Portuguese religious programm conducted by male to brief Christian vocals and talk. SINPO 24332. (A. Slaen, Argentina)

4905 Radio Nationale/Radiodifusion Tchadienne/Radio Chad. 2150-2222+. 3-Jan. Top-of-the-hour station I as "RN" without Tchadienne. Male announcer mentioned Rdf Tchadienne at 2211 as part of a commentary and mentioned Sudan. "Radio Chad" noted at 2217. Male/female announcers discussion to 2153, followed by native vocals to 2200Full station identification, news and commentary until 2220 then more native music. Additional news and commentary to close at 2220 with mention of "internationale" several times. SIO 4+43+. USB minimizes swiper QRM. (H Frodge,MI)

9500, China National Radio One, (presumed)1035-1103 Noted a female and male in Chinese comments during the period. A second station is on the frequency causing QRM. It seems to be a religious station in unknown language. CPBS has a poor signal. Still audible at 1103, but barely with CVC covering now. (C. Bolland, FL January 4, 2008)

from site to Cuba 5955 Radio Republica (tentative) I tuned in at 2310 and heard nothing but Spanish and English pop and rock music until 0000. Best tune I heard was one from Rush at 2327. I could not hear any jamming on this frequency tonight. I just heard an open carrier after 0000, I can't tell you if they perhaps signed off sometime after this point as the station was fading. Just a weak carrier when I tuned out at 0019. (H.Johnson, FL FL Jan 10-11)

7460 Voice of Orthodoxy 1640 (via DX Tuner Sweden) Much better today with the audio steady. A bit of hum was all I heard but the signal was good. Man and woman talking in Russian. 1658 chorus signing. ID in Russian was partially cut off by gongs/bells sound effect. 1659 dead air and off. (H. Johnson.FL Jan 4)

11990 Radio Kuwait 1802 (via DX Tuner Sweden)tuned here after checking RTZ. Caught male announcer mentioning that 11990 was for Europe and North America. Religious programming today as I heard the program, "The Spread of Islam." Pop music before five minutes of English news at 1830, then more pop music.(H. Johnson, FL Jan 4)

11655 Radio Netherlands Worldwide relay. 2020-2030+, 4-Jan. Network Europe program with English features from Radio Polonia, Raido Sweden & one from RNW about the Amsterdam mayor's plan to shut down the red light district. Program closed with French vocals. English news at 1830. SIO 4+54. (H Frodge, MI)

North Korea
6285, Voice of Korea, 1127-1135,In here with music until 1130 when a female interrupts with ID and comments. Language being used sounds like English, but the signal is so distorted, it is impossible to recognize for sure. At 1134 a male comments. Signal was good in strenght but had a terrible distortion as mentioned earlier. (C. Bolland, FL January 6, 2008)

9720, Radio Victoria, 1020-1030 I tried 6020 for Victoria and although I could hear
them there, it was almost impossible. Here on 9720, their signal is loud and clear at this time with a female in Spanish comments to a male. This possibly a testimonial of the female. At 1029 canned promos and ID's. Signal collapses into the splatter by 1031 resulting in a fair signal becoming a poor to threshold signal. (C. Bolland, FL January 4, 2008)

5939,29 Radio Melodia, Arequipa, 0232+, January 01. Spanish. Announcers station ID as, "....en Radio Melodia........con un cordial saludo para don....". SINPO 24332
(A. Slaen, Argentina)

6173,86 Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cusco, 0236+, January 01, Spanish. Peruvian huaynos music to announcers time check and station ID as; "...las 9 de la noche con 42 minutos ....Radio Tawantinsuyo...". SINPO 33422. (A. Slaen, Argentina)

6173.81, Radio Tawantinsuyo, 1103-1115 Noted a very weak signal here this morning with a female in Spanish comments between musical selections. Not much music heard beyond 1108 however just steady comments from the female. I think she was joined by a male around 1112, but can't be sure. The signal was threshold with loads of splatter on the frequency. (C. Bolland, FL January 6, 2008)

11735 Radio Tanzania Zanzibar 1758 (via DX Tuner Sweden)In reviewing the various logs of this one, it seems that they are back now after being off in late December and that the relay of Spice FM is now heard everyday. It had been irregular in late November and early December. (H.Johnson, FL Jan 4)

8743USB Bangkok Meteorology Radio, Bangkok, 0954-0958. January 12, English. Station Interval signal and report by male announcer. SINPO 25432.// 6765 kHz in USB with SINPO 14431. (A Slean, Argentina)

5050 Scriptures for America (via WWRB) I first noticed this during the 0000 hour on Jan 15, but didn't have time to stay with it. I checked again tonight at 2353, but they were not on yet. Checked back at 2358 and they were on with above program. WWRB ID at 0000, but the program was from 2005 with Pete Peters talking about how this was a new broadcast via WWCR 4. I don't recall Pete Peters of Scriptures for America being on WWRB before. I couldn't find any information on these broadcasts on either his site or WWRB's. (H. Johnson, FL Jan 15-18)

4939,96 Radio Amazonas (p), Puerto Ayacucho, 0215+, January 01. ¿language?. Romantic and Latin vocals in Spanish. SINPO 24332. (A. Slaen, Argentina)