
Friday, January 18, 2008

Radio Bulgaria listener survey

Radio Bulgaria Survey:

Happy New Year!

Since day and age, the coming of a new year has been a moment of introspection and reflection for many people around the world. Radio Bulgaria is no different and we would like your help with this. We want to find out what we can do to serve you better in the new year and years to come.

Please take a minute to send in your answers to the questions below. From the survey’s respondents we’ll make a selection who will receive a few follow-up questions so that we can get more in-depth feedback.

All email addresses will be kept private and all responses will be treated strictly confidentially.

1) Why are you listening to Radio Bulgaria and/or visiting our website?
2) How did you find out about Radio Bulgaria?
3) For how long have you been listening to Radio Bulgaria and/or visiting our website?
4) How often do you listen to Radio Bulgaria and/or visit the website?

Please email your answers to

Those who have sent in the most detailed answers will receive CDs with Radio Bulgaria’s programmes.

Thanks for your participation! (S (Source: Md. Azizul Alam Al Amin, Bangladesh)