
Friday, February 08, 2008

A closer look at Ethiopia on shortwave radio

Radio Ethiopia is a commercial government station. Re. 5990/7110/9704: From 1400 hours onwards I noted that 5990 first mixed with co-channel VOIRI and is then completely lost under them. I never managed to hear 9704 during my trip, probably due to skip.
The new Oromo Service on 6030, identifying as "Radio Oromia", is on the air daily at 0400-0600, 0900-1100 and 1600-1800. Excellent reception everywhere, must be 100 kW.
The English programme in the Home Sce is now a full hour, viz. Mo-Fr 1400-1500.

In the course of 2008, new MW relays are planned at Nazret (10 kW on 1035) and Nekemte (100 kW on 1053). The Robe relay will be completely rebuilt and the new 100 kW transmitter will shift from 972 to 837 kHz after completion. The antennas will be built by Colton Tower Consulants Inc., and Harris will supply the transmitters.

Mr. Melesse Edea Beyi is the head of the English language programme in the Home Service as well as the programmes in English, French and Arabic of the External Service. Somali is now aired at 0700-0800 and 1200-1300, Tigrayan at 1500-1530 and Arabic at 1400-1500 and 1530-1600. The Afari, English and French programmes are still broadcast as per schedule. In addition to 7165 and 9560, 989 MW is also used for the Addis Ababa region.

Radio Fana now has two 100 kW transmitters, both on 6110 and 7210. Their 5970 appears to be inactive. In a month or two, the station will increase its broadcasting time to 18 hrs daily.

Mr. Fre Tesfamichael has left the Voice of the Tigray Revolution. Mr. Abera Tesfay has succeeded him as director. He told me that since May 2007 they have been using a 100 kW transmitter. It is located near Addis for better nationwide coverage. The two old 10 kW transmitters at Mekele will remain as standby. I was told that they simultaneously broadcast on two frequencies from the new transmitter. I expressed my surprise about this, but I am a technical layman, so who knows! They are still in a testing phase. Their assigned frequencies are: 5950, 5980, 6170 and 7155. I frequently heard the combination 5950 and 6170, but they were often silent altogether. They broadcast 66 hours a week in Tigrayan and 9.5 hours in Afari. They are now busy moving to a brand new building. An FM relay is projected for Mekele, but there are no plans to use MW.

Before popping in at this station, I visited the impressive monument and nearby museum, dedicated to the long and bloody struggle of the TPLF (Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front) against Mengistu’s Derg (junta). In the museum I also saw the old transmitter and antenna which had been used for some years in a cave in the Simien Mountains at an altitude of over 3500 m. when they were still a clandestine station. There was only one narrow path to the cave and all supplies had to be taken up via this tough route. They even carried up anti-aircraft guns and so the station was never silenced by the Derg. Mr. Abera and the director of PR, Mr. Berhaie, told me of the hardships they had to endure in the cave, such as the cold up there. Before every broadcast they had to heat the frozen cooling liquid for the transmitter!
(Van Delft)

6110, Raido Fana, 0310-0328, Jan 29, Amharic talks hosting program of Horn of Africa vocals. No ID heard but familiar program. Fair with clear signal until Tirana opened at 0328. (D’Angelo/FCDX)

7110, Raido Ethiopia, Geja Jawe, 2020-2100*, Jan 27 and 28, Horn of Africa music, talk in Amharic, ID and closedown ann, orchestra National Anthem. Fair to good signal //5990 which was fair. (D’Angelo/FCDX). Also heard 0637-0652 on Jan 27 with Vernacular ann and Arab pop beat music, 23322. (Bobrowiec)

7165, Radio Ethiopia, Geja Jawe, 1555-1630, We Jan 30, music from Horn of Africa, 1600 English news, interview of an Irish guest. DSWCI-member Maarten van Delft may be heard We Feb 06! Weak signal with strong adjacent QRM and covered totally from *1625, 21441 // 9560 even worse 21321 fading out 1635. (Petersen)

9560, Radio EthiopĂ­a, Geja Jawe, 1715-1720, Jan 27, French programme of music, 33332. (Romero)
(Source: DSWCI/DX Window #343 via Anker Petersen)
Photo graphic: Voice of Ethiopia/Van Horn Archive Collection