
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Hot Spot DXing: Israel Goes on High Alert

Israel Goes on High Alert After Top Terrorist Slain
JERUSALEM — Israel ordered its military and embassies to go on alert Thursday, and advised Jewish institutions worldwide to follow suit, as Lebanese guerrillas threatened to avenge the assassination of a fugitive commander tied to a string of spectacular attacks against U.S. and Jewish targets.

Israel's government swiftly denied involvement in the death of Imad Mughniyeh, killed in a car bombing Tuesday in the Syrian capital of Damascus, although military officials were more vague, refusing to confirm or deny involvement.
Continued story at:,2933,330694,00.html
(Source: Fox News/Associated Press)

Hezbolleh threatens Israel at slain commander funeral
By Nadim Ladki
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah threatened Israel with "open war" on Thursday and accused the Jewish state of killing a top commander who was among the United States' most wanted men.

"Zionists, if you want this type of open war then let the whole world hear: let it be an open war," Nasrallah told mourners at the funeral of Imad Moughniyah, a legend to Hezbollah but one of the men most wanted by Israel and the United States for planning attacks that killed hundreds.
Continued story at:
(Source: Reuters)

Hezbolleh Leaders Declares 'Open War' on Israel
Hassan Nasrallah makes remarks in fiery speech broadcast Thursday to thousands of Hezbollah supporters in Lebanon's capital, Beirut.
Continued news at VOA News:

Hezbollah chief threatens Israel
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah has warned that the militant group is ready for "open war" with Israel, after the killing of one of its leaders in Syria.
Continued story at BBC News:

Israel National Radio - Internet streaming audio

Kol Israel on shortwave
English service - kHz
All times UTC - programming targeted to various worldwide areas
0430-0445 6280 7545 17600
1030-1045 13855 15760
1830-1845 6985 7545 9345 15640
(Source: Gayle Van Horn/Monitoring Times SW Guide)

Hebrew Service
Hebrew Days Area kHz
1400-1455 daily NAm,WEu 9390isr (add)
1600-1725 ....fs. NAm,WEu 9390isr (ex 15760)
1625-1725 mtwt..s NAm,WEu 9390isr (ex 15760)

Galei Tzahal (Israel Defence Forces Radio)
Hebrew service only (no English)
0000-2400 daily 6975 15785 (relays of domestic channel)