
Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Radio covers England's earthquake

Live radio stations across England enjoyed extra listening overnight as thousands of people tuned in to gain essential information about an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.3. BBC Radio Five Live's up all night programme took phone calls from listeners reporting that the quake took place at 12:56am.

Five Live presenter Russell Fuller read texts from listeners and spoke to BBC reporters around the country. Janice Long on BBC Radio 2 also invited reports from listeners who experienced the quake, which had an epicentre near Lincoln.

Pete Price, who was on-air at the time 450ft above Liverpool on City Talk 105.9 told "The last quake was very scary but this one was much worse. It's a windy night anyway and when the tremor started everyone just looked at each other wondering what the hell was going on.

"The phone lines went mad with people calling in from Merseyside and all over the UK, with the calls continuing on the subject into the early hours."

There are currently no reports of any radio transmissions being affected.
(Sourcee: Radio Today)

British earthquake to cost £30 million
Insurers are facing a £30 million payout after the earthquake that shook large parts of Britain in the early hours.

The earthquake, which registered 5.2 on the Richter Scale, was the biggest for 24 years. One person was seriously hurt when a chimney crashed through his roof into his bedroom and emergency services said the injury toll could have been a lot higher had the earthquake hit during the day.
Continued story at Telegraph