
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Radio Wave Europe to broadcast program February 17

Radio RWE - Radio Wave Europe - a radio show about vintage radio, literature and movies presents its shows on the wavelengths of Ulbroka transmitter, Mystery Radio and WMR. Programmes are in English language. First show has been relayed via Ulbroka, Latvia in April 2007.

Next show is going to be aired February 17, 2008 at 21.00 UTC via Mystery Radio on 6220 kHz. Feature presentations planned for the show are as follows:
- beginnings of international shortwave wireless in the 20-ties, 30-ties and 40-ties,
- classical music nostalgia

Your reception reports for shortwave relay are very welcome ! Please send them (including return postage) to the following address (the contact postal box):
SRS Deutschland
Radio RWE
Postfach 101145
99801 Eisenach

We highly appreciate your mp3 files with recordings of our shortwave relay ! Please send them to the following e-mail address: or
We can confirm your e-mail reception reports - with mp3 recording included - with our electronic QSL cards (if you prefer to receive snail mail "traditional" QSL card, please send return postage and your reception report to the address above).

Below you find a real audio on demand file with shortwave recording of the show no. 1, as monitored in Central Europe (9290 kHz shortwave recording, RWE, Apr. 29, 2007):
first half hour
second half hour

Photo: Atwater-Kent Model 84 via