
Sunday, February 03, 2008

Rebels put Chad radio off air

Chad state radio went off the air as rebels advanced into the capital,opposition leader Ibni Oumar Mahamat Saleh said.He made the claims in a telephone call from the central Africannation's embattled capital, N'Djamena.

Saleh said rebels had entered the city and shooting that had eruptedin the morning appeared to have died down.He said there were no soldiers in his neighbourhood and the statebroadcaster had gone off the air in the morning."At the moment we are not hearing any firing. The rebels are in thecity. Civilians are in the streets.

Additional story on the rebels may be found at:
(Source: The Press Association via Ron Howard-CA)
Rebels surround president's palace in Chad capital
By Moumine Ngarmbassa
N'DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chadian rebels surrounded the presidential palace in N'Djamena on Saturday after storming into the capital, and France began evacuating French and foreign nationals from the city.
After a day of fierce clashes in the streets of N'Djamena, there was speculation about the whereabouts of President Idriss Deby, but at least two of his ministers said he remained inside the palace complex at the head of loyal troops.
Story continued at:
Rebels battle inside Chad's capital: resident
By Moumine Ngarmbassa
N'DJAMENA (Reuters) - Chadian rebels fighting to overthrow President Idriss Deby battled their way into the capital N'Djamena on Saturday and were heading for the presidential palace, a foreign resident in the city said.
Rebels with a column of 300 vehicles have closed in on the capital of the central African oil producing country in their most determined offensive in two years. They fought confused battles with Deby's troops on Friday northeast of the city.
Story continued at: