
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC *sing-on sign-off* // parallel frequency

Angola, 4950, Radio Nacional, 0140-0200, As usual, the program consists of steady Portuguese/Hilife musical selections. I've always liked African Hilife music. At 0200 time ticks followed with ID and news. Signal was poor. (C. Bolland,FL)

2325 VL8T (Tennant Creek). 1205, 2/24/08, in English. Stage show type music, man with "This is Radio National" after 1st selection. Poor. (Taylor-WI/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

2485 VL8K (Katherine), 1217, 2/24/05, in English. // 2325. Poor. (Taylor-WI/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

4845.2 Radio Cultural Ondas Tropicais, 1046, 2/19/08. Poor signal, with songs in Portuguese (Ronda, OK/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

4845.2 Radio Cultural Ondas Tropicals, 0130, 2/24/08. Brazil pops was poor to fair at peaks with some interference from data bursts (Strawman, IA/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

4885 Radio Difusora Acreana (Rio Branco), 0055 ­ 0110, 2/24/08, Portuguese. Male DJ with contemporary vocals, Difusora network ID at 0100. contemporary Brasilian music after 0100; // 4915 Radio Difusora Macapá until 0100 ID. Signal fair-poor. (Taylor, WI?NASWA Flashsheet #317)

4904.97, RNT, *0429-0450, Feb 29, Sign on with 10 seconds of the National Anthem, 50 seconds of silence & opening French announcements at 0430. Local Afro-pop music. French talk. Fair signal. (B. Alexander, PA)

5910.07, Marfil Estereo, Puerto Lleras, 0325-0410, Feb 29, English religious sermon with Spanish translations. Local music at 0403. ID at 0407. Fair to good. (B. Alexander, PA)

4799.8 Radio Buenas Neuvas (San Sebastian), 0209 ­ 0214, 2/21/08, in Spanish. Man and woman talking, jingle with ID, rustic song with woman singer (a little off key). Fair w/ CODAR QRM. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

4780 Radio Cultural Coatan, *1030-1047, Feb 18, Spanish. Station sign-on with choral music, ID announcement, at 1034. Announer at 1035 followed by ballads and up-beat music. More announcer at 1042, back to ballads by tune-out. Fair singal quality (S. Barbour, NH/NASWA #317)

4799.79 Radio Buenas Nuevas, 0407-0432*, Feb 22.Religious programming in local language. Spanish ballads and Spanish talk. Closing Spanish ID announcements at 0429 & 0431. Signal Weak, but readable. Weak CODAR QRM. No het from 4800. (B. Alexander, PA/NASWA #317)

Equatorial Guinea
6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, *0503-0610, Feb 29, sign on with National Anthem. Afro-pop music at 0505. Spanish talk. Abruptly off the air at approximately 0534. Back on the air at 0543 with Afro-pop music. Spanish ballads. Spanish talk at 0601. Fair to good signal but occasional rtty QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA)

7110 Radio Ethiopia, 0354-0408 Feb 22. Horn of Africa vocals followed by a man announcer with brief talk in Amharic. Another announcer with ID prior to three gongs at 0400 followed by another ID and news with a man and woman. Transmitter break at 0404. Fair to good reception until the transmitter break which literally ended my reception. (R D'Angelo, PA?NASWA Flashsheet #317)

7110 Radio Ethiopia (Gedja), 0427-0444, 23 Feb 08, Vern. First log of this station and country. News by YL with several remarks about Ethiopia. S9/Good. (J.Wood, TN/NASWA Flashsheet 3317)

7209.87, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, *0257-0320, Feb 29, IS. Opening ID announcements at 0301 & into Horn of Africa music. Very weak with HAM QRM. Stronger on // 6110 but
with some adjacent channel splatter. (B. Alexander, PA)

India, 4920, All India Radio, 0120-0140 Male and female in comments. Language probably Hindi? At 0126 brief music then back to comments again. Signal was poor with fading. (C. Bolland, FL)

6130, Lao National Radio (presumed), 1509-1602*, Feb 28, in vernacular, nice program of southeast Asian easy-listening style songs and ballads. Signal fair-poor. Station suddenly off with no announcements (Ron Howard, CA)

5010 Radio Madagasikara (Ambohidrano), 0206, 2/22/08, in Malagasy. Woman announcer with contemporary music (some in French and English) to ID at 0207. LSB suppressed signal. This has been a fairly regular visitor recently. Fair signal quality. (Taylor, WI/NASWA Flasheet #317)

7130 Sarawak FM via RTM, Kuching, 1537-1600, 2/23/08, assume in Malay. Pop songs, several distinctive singing "Radio Sarawak" jingles (different from the "Sarawak FM" jingles I have heard in the past), almost fair, // 5030 (poor, under strong CNR-1), some QRM from CNR-1 and under that possibly CNR-2/CBR (very weak). Seemed that Sarawak signed-off at 1600, at which time it sounded like the Firedrake/jamming started, assume against Taiwan, which I believe would be a change in schedule. Sarawak held up well against the QRM, as their format is pop songs, opposed to CNR-1's mostly talking. Also descent reception 2/24/08 from 1012-1038 with pop songs and ballads, Male DJ, several of the station's "radio" jingles (R Howard, CA)

15120, Voice of Nigeria. 1759-1833, Feb 28, in English, with schedule and news. Commentary on economics about the budget conference and issues relating to the military, health and agriculture. "Sports Roundup from the Voice of Nigeria". Reception would have been good except for the poor audio quality (Ron Howard, CA)

5039.3 Raido Libertad (presumed), 1055-1108, Feb 18, Spanish. Quecha-like music followed by presumed ad string at 1059, music resumes at 1105. No discernible ID noted. Poor/weak under band noise. (S Barbour, NH/NASWA Flashsheet #317)

9780.05, Republic of Yemen Radio, San’a, 1805-1900, Feb 29, English programming with Euro-pop music & English talk. ID at 1819. English news at 1830. Euro-pop music at 1835. Some local music. Even a Billy Joel tune. News headlines at 1855 & local music at 1857. Arabic at 1900. Fair signal strength but an overall poor signal in noisy conditions and muffled audio making if difficult to understand. (B. Alexander, PA)

3396 Radio Zimbabwe, 0252-0306, 2/21/08, in vernacular. African high-life music with singing. Usual format for their four minute English ID (drums for about a minute, "This is the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation, Radio Zimbabwe shortwave", drums again, repeat of ID, list of cities and frequencies, back into vernacular, fair-poor. On 4828, from 0307-0317 heard soul/gospel singing in vernacular, fair, not parallel to 3396.(R. Howard, CA)