
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Blog Logs

All times UTC // parallel frequency
* sign-on sign-off*

[Feeder to Antarctica] 15820L LS4 Radio Continental, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, \\ 590 kHz, at 1045-1052 UTC on Febr 24, Spanish, announcement and ID as: ".....seguimos en esta manana por Continental ...", local advs, movies talk, SINPO 34443 in LSB mode. (Arnaldo Slaen-ARG, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 24)

15344.70 RAE Buenos Aires in Italian at 1840 UT, S=7 signal, but RAE fade out now at 2020 UT. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 26)

Ascension Island
9525 Cotton Tree News on Feb 18 at 0735-0759* UT. 33333-23332 English and Vernacular, News, interval signal and ID at 0736 and 0759, 0759 sign off. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 22)

5025 ORTB, Parakou, is still being detected (i.e. the carrier) in the middle of the day. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 27)

4699.4 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0102-0115, 23 Feb, Cast., advertisements, IDs, songs program seemingly called "Aire de Nuestra Gente"; 33332, CODAR QRM.

4716.6 Radio Yura, Yura, 0100-0111, 23 Feb, Quechua, Indian songs; 24332.

4865 Radio Logos via Radio Centenario, Sta Cruz de la Sierra, 0039-0052, 23 Feb, Cast., religious program. SINPO 43422, QRM de Brazil. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 27)

1516 utc on 5985via Japan-Shiokaze with Japanese talk mentioning Pyongyang and also Nnew York Philhamonic Orchestra playing national anthems of North Korea and United States. QRM via BBC World Servie on 5875. SIO 44. (P. Ng, Malaysia)

5910.08 CLM VVC Marfil Estero, Sp, fine signal - a good window into Europe around 6-7 UT, after DWL Russian via Rampisham-UK left at 0629 UTC. (wb, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 26)

Costa Rica
5954.11 unidentified "ELCOR transmitter", 2312-2348 21 February, 2008. Cycling the same Spanish pop vocal after a few seconds gap between, until the last play ended at 2331, then open carrier through tune-out. Best in USB today, and quite strong despite big signals on both sides, though still a messy place to be. If this is a new transmitter (Radio Casino was 1 kW), why would the new one be on virtually the same off-frequency channel as Casino was? Shades of 1980's Central America. (Terry L Krueger-FL-USA, DXplorer Feb 24)

7270 RD. TV Gabonaise, "R. Gabon", Melen, 1051-1320, 24 Feb, French, talks, African pops, drum beat jingle,..., talks; 15341, mixed with CHN at 1430 UTC. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 27)

7289.84 RRI Nabire on Feb 16 at 0752-0832 UT. 33443-34443 Indonesian, Music, 0758 RPK, 0800 Jakarta news relay, 0829 SNSB, ID at 0830, Talk.

7289.84 RRI Nabire on Feb 19 at 0814-0836 UT 35343 Indonesian, Jakarta news relay, 0829 SNSB, ID at 0830, Music. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 22)

4365.80 Voice of Iranian Revolution Feb 11 *1426-1440 SINPO 25342- 24442 Kurdish, 1426 sign on with interval signal and ID repetition, 1431 ID. Opening music, and announcements. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 22)

3288 Radio Nationaly Malagasy, Ambohidrano, 0030-past 0100, Feb 17, music and talks \\ 5010 kHz. I think this extension is due to the cyclone approaching Madagascar and expecting landfall anytime according to CNN report. (Victor Goonetilleke-CLN 4S7VK, DXplorer Feb 20)

7245 Radio Mauritanie, Nouakchott, back in good shape, 1309- ..., 23 Feb, Arabic, newscast, chanting,..., Vernacular at 1530; SINPO 45444. (Carlos Goncalves-POR, wwdxc BC-DX Feb 27)

9705 Rdiff. TV. Niger Feb 11 2248-2300* SINPO 44444-43433 French, Music and talk, ID at 2258, interval signal to national anthem. 2300.* (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 22)

Papua New Guinea
3235 Radio West New Britain, 1234-1320+, 02/28/08, presumed Pidgin. Male DJ with music and comments (often rather lengthy) between songs, continuing past 1300. QRM after 1300 from SSB on 3234.5, some sort of a radio net with sveral ops in the Midwest, though I couldn't find anything about it by googling the freq or the one callsign I heard (A7NE??). Other freqs with mostly weak audio from presumed PNGs noted in a quick bandscan around 1230: 3325, 3345, 3315, 3335, 3385. Fair/poor. (Schiefelbein, MO/Cumbre DX)

3335 Radio East Sepik, 1235-1305*, 02/27/08, Pidgin/English. The usual PNG fare of a female DJ with reggae/island music and Western easy listening tunes, announcer audio was heavy on the bass which made it tough to follow her despite relatively good reception. Sign off message in Pidgin at 1259 mentioning PNG and several frequencies, national anthem, and into relay of Port Moresby at 1301 with news in English, ad for a car dealer, and then tunes for a moment before abruptly off at 1305. Fair to good, best PNG reception in a while, unfortunately peaking right around signoff. (Schiefelbein, MO/Cumbre DX)

4635.10 Tajik R. on Feb 17 at 1256-1306 UT. 35333 Tajik, Music and talk, ID at 1259 UT. (Kouji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Feb 22
(Source: WWDXC TopNews/BC-DX #849; wb, Germany)