
Sunday, April 06, 2008

Blog Logs - Bolivia

All times UTC
4409.88, Radio Eco, Reyes (p), 0010-0305, Mar 19 and 21, Spanisk talks, folk music selections, 23232. (Bobrowiec and Petersen)

4699.35, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, fade in 2245-0155, Mar 19, 20, 21 and 27, Spanish talks about "El Señor", hymns, slight CODAR QRM, 24332. (Petersen). Also heard at 1000-1015, Mar 27, Spanish comments, 1009 canned ID's, music, the signal improved from a poor to a fair by 1015 instead of the other way around. (Bolland)

4781.4, Radio Tacana, Tumupasa, 2249-2301*, Mar 17, Spanish chatter, international pops, full ID 2300, frequency ann ("4780") and s/off ann followed by tune, 23341, CODAR QRM. (Gonçalves)

4787.8, Emisoras Ballivian (tent.), Beni, 2336-0030, Mar 20, music by Vicente Fernandez and Roberto Carlos as musical greetings. TA: "...17 minutos para las 8 de la noche..." (UTC-4). At 0000 a religious transmision from a catholic church, very poor audio. No positive ID heard. (Rodriguez). Reactivated ? Has been off since May 2004. (Ed)

4796.4, Radio Mallku (t), Uyuni, 2255-2319, Mar 17, Spanish talks, 24331. (Gonçalves)

6024.9, Radio Patria Nueva, La Paz, 1040-1120, Mar 21, Spanish ann of Vegetables Fair "Precio Justo"; Constitucion Politica Autonomias; Brigades of community social workers. 1100 programme "Bolivia Informa", ann:"... con mas de 30 medios del sistema nacional deradio de los pueblos originarios, 20 emisoras aliadas y 14 emisoras de la Red Patria Nueva...Bolivia Informa..." Noticias y comentarios locales. "...Radio Patria Nueva, la voz del estado boliviano...". (Rodriguez)

6079.94, Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 0945-0955, Mar 29, unfortunately HCJB is mixing with R San Gabriel which is a couple of Hertz off frequency. Noted talks in Spanish while HCJB is using a Vernacular. Signal was poor. (Bolland)

9624.8, Radio Fides, La Paz, 2249-2314, Mar 20, Spanish advs, ann for rational water usage, talks about Easter, news, 24442 and deteriorating. (Gonçalves)
(Source: DX Window 347 via Anker Petersen)