
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Blog Logs - Clandestines

All times UTC // parallel frequency
6030, Minghui Radio, Tanshui, Taiwan, 1305-1357, Mar 10 and 14, conversation in Mandarin, talk on Myanmar, possibly // 7310 Sound of Hope R International (more music jamming). (Ashar)

6155, Radio Republica, via Rampisham, 0020, Mar 14, Spanish talks about Chavez, fair. (Bernardini)

6300, Radio Nacional Saharaui, 2250-2322, Mar 08 and 13, Arabic programme of local folkmusic from Sahara, 2300 programmes in Spanish, “Literalmente en Marruecos la gente se muere de hambre...”, 45444. (Cruz and Romero)

7540, Dengue Mezopotamya, via Maiac, Moldova, 1825-1830, Mar 11, Kurdish conversation, there is a strange background signal, perhaps jammer, but the signal strength of audio level is low, 44433. (Romero)

9415, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Gavar, Armenia, 1520-1530*, Fr Mar 07, Kayan (as scheduled) talk, song, 45333 // 17495, but Gavar was off at 1440! (Petersen)

9485, Voice of Oromo Liberation (Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo), via Nauen, Germany from Mar 01, 1700-1800, Su/ Tu/We/Fr, ex Tu-Su, in Oromo. (Ivanov, via BC-DX Mar 11). Thus not heard on Sa Mar 01! (Ed)

9840, Sudan Radio Service, Dhabbaya, UAE, 1751-1800*, Mar 13, English talks, short music, male “...programme of SRS...”, 1758 hilife African music, ann in various languages, 33223. (Bobrowiec)

11530, Dengue Mezopotamya, via Maiac, Moldova, 1350-1410, Mar 05, Kurdish talks, interview, phone in, folkmusic // streaming audio on their website: , 44343. (Romero)

12035, SW Radio Africa, via Kvitsoy, Norway, 1800-1840, Mar 17, already testing A08 frequency, English talk about upcoming Zimbabwe elections. IDs. Gave contact information. Afro-pop music. "The Hidden Story" program at 1814 about Zimbabwe politics. Strong. Very good signal. Announced current tests daily at 1800-1900 and will be moving from 7125 to 12035 for the 1700-1900 time period starting Mar 30. (Alexander in DXplorer)

15485, Radio Mustaqbal, Dhabbaya, UAE, 1132-1159, Mar 08, conversation and laughter, traditional music, 24443. (Ashar)

15485, Radio Mustaqbal, via Meyerton, South Africa, 1205-1235, Mar 08 and 10, music, children conversation, talk with plenty mention of "arte-ey", jingle, drama, 24232. (Ashar). Obviously back on the air towards Ethiopia! (Ed)

17495, Democratic Voice of Burma, via Talata-Volonondry, Madagascar, *1430-1510, Mar 07, Burmese ann, opened with half an hour of beautiful Burmese folkmusic and jazz, 1457 talk, 45444. (Petersen)

17875, Radio Xoriyo, Samara, Russia, 1400-1430, Mar 08, ID, frequency, reading holy verses, interview and possibly praying, strong signal, but noise in most part. (Ashar)
(Source: DX Window #346 via Anker Petersen, Danish SW Club International)