
Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Blog Logs - Peru

All times UTC

3234.81, Radio Luz y Sonido, Huanúco (pres.), 1005-1015, Mar 13, Spanish comments, short music and mentions "Peru", very weak signal kept fading in and out regularly. This coupled with noise and a heterodyne from possibly R New West Britain made details difficult to get. (Bolland)

4746.8, Raido Huanta 2000, Huanta, 2310-0105, Mar 07, 08 and 16, Spanish talk about "La familia", programme: "Radioperiodico 2000". ID: "...Transmite Radio Huanta 2000 OAZ5B 4755 kHz onda corta, OBX5O 1160 kHz onda media; OAZ5A 92.5 MHz FM estereo...", strong CODAR QRM, 21331-23332. (Petersen and Rodriguez)

4790.00, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0210-0655, Mar 04, 05, 06, 07, 12, 15, 16 and 18, Spanish preaching in programme "La Voz de la Salvación", hymns, multiple IDs, 25232 with some CODAR QRM. No longer on 4790.2. (D'Angelo, Liangas, Méndez and Petersen)

4824.4, La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos, 1126-1135, Mar 06, again copying the program between CODAR blasts, noted Spanish comments. Have not heard this station for awhile. The signal was poor and fading out periodically. (Bolland). Last heard in Dec 2007, acc. to our Tropical Bands Monitor at . (Ed)

4857, Radio La Hora, Cusco, 0019-0025*, Mar 04, Spanish ID: "desde Cusco para todo el pais, Radio La Hora", local pop selections, 0025 abruptally sign off, 32323. (Bobrowiec)

4955, Radio Cultural Amauta, Huanta (p), 2340-2350, Mar 16, Spanish talk, best in USB due to utility QRM, 13222. (Petersen)

4974.8, Radio del Pacifico, Lima, 0755-0810, Mar 08, religious songs and talk, 25322. (Cody)
5039.2, Radio Libertad, Junín, 1033-1210, Mar 06, 07, 08 and 11, transmitter problems on Mar 06, but return to regular strength on Mar 07, Huaynos music, Spanish comments and canned promos, programme: "Informativo Junin Avanza." Web: . " Radio Libertad presentando el informativo Junin Avanza...", notice of Universidad Nacional San Ignacio. At 1201 "...el Departamento de relaciones publicas de la municipalidad provincial de Junin presento, el informativo Junin Avanza, gracias por su sintonia...". Operates only in the morning hours. Poor signal. (Bolland, Rodriguez and Wilkner)

5486.7, Radio Reyna de la Selva, Chachapoyas, 2352-2358*, Mar 07, tropical music, "...gracias a todos los amigos que nos sintoniza dia a dia a traves de los 101.5 FM de Reyna de la Selva...", strong signal, but poor audio. (Rodriguez)
(DX Window #346 via Anker Petersen/DSWCI)
Photo: La Voz de la Selva studio