
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Blog Logs

Thanks to the following contributors for todays edition of Blog Logs. John Wilkins, Brian Alexander, Stewart MacKenzie, Joe Wood, Scott Barbour, Jim Evans, and Chuck Bolland.
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequency

(No. Korea) - 9779.98 Furusato No Kaze via Tanshui(p) 1615-1630 Apr 4. Fair at best with usual JP talk; e-mail address given during closing anmt. So still here for B'08(John Wilkins-CO)

6165, Voice of Croatia, 0600-0604, March 30, short 4 minute English broadcast with news, sports & weather. IDs. Schedule. Fair but with weak co-channel QRM. // 9470-via Germany- very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)

Radio Nacional Venezuela Relay 11670 1830 Spanish 333 March 30 //11875 [333] also via Cuba. (Steawrt MacKenzie-CA).

Dominican Republic
5009.8, tentative Radio Cristal, 2348-2357*, Mar 28, Spanish. Ancr at t/in; several
mentions Argentina; presumed ad string w/ various ancrs & musical bits; tentative ID at 2355 followed by several "Frecuencia el Dias....onda corta..." ancments, which I assume is a prg ID and immediately off at 2357; weak but clear signal. (Scott Barbour-NH)

Equatorial Guinea
6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 0528-0610, April 4, tune-in to lite vocals, ballads. Spanish talk. Local African music at 0551. "Radio Malabo" ID at 0601 & possible news. Poor - weak at tune-in but improved to a fair to good level by 0555. Occasional rtty QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6250, Radio Nacional-Malabo, 2134-2210+, April 2, local Afro-pop music. "Radio Malabo" ID at 2203. Spanish talk. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

French Guiana
Radio Japan Relay. 11895 0516 Spanish SIO 433 March 29 YL with comments and an ID at 0517. (Stewart MacKenzie-CA).

Afrique Numero Uno. 9580 1820 French SIO 333. March 30 Two announcers conducting a conversation. (Stewart MacKenzie, CA)

4799.79, Radio Buenas Nuevas, San Sabastian, 0425-0432*, April 4, Spanish religious talk. Closing ID announcements at 0430. Poor in t-storm static. (Brian Alexander, PA)

11620 AIR (Bangalore), 2154-2203, 4/1/2008, English. Indian music with many bells at the end of a talk segment. ID by woman at 2159 followed by news. Moderate signal with fading (SINPO 34322). No parallels noted today. (Jim Evans, TN)

7270 AIR Chennai 1258-1316 Apr 4. All India Radio IS at 1258, then into talk at 1300. Mixing with Nei Menggu and Malaysia, with none dominating so hard to separate the stations. Then AIR went into sub-continental music around 1312, at which time I was able to // to 9820 (Panaji). Listed as Sinhala at this time. Chennai not often heard here. (John Wilkins-CO)

4920 RRI Biak 1310-1335 Apr 3. Jak news to 1315, then localmale announcer, followed by lite Indo vocals. The M ancr was very soft-spoken and hard to understand, but the music came through fine. The Jak segment was also well heard. Tuned out at 1335. Best signal from them in a while; condx to SE Asia quite good this day. (John Wilkins-CO)

3987.06 RRI Manokwari 1302-1319 Mar 29. Jakarta news relay // 4604.95, 3995.03, and 4920; relay ended at 1315, followed by vocal music from local studios. Good signal but ARO QRM. (John Wilkins-CO)

4750 RRI Makassar remains off the air in the 12-14 UTC time frame. (John Wilkins-CO)

4869.93 RRI Wamena 1249-1306 Mar 30. Vocal music continuing past ToH. Generally poor. (John Wilkins-CO)

7111.8v, VOIRI? 0135-0215, March 30, Tentative. Tune-in to Koran followed by talk in unidentified language. Also heard next night, March 31, at *0130-0228* on 7106.8v. Poor. Weak. Unstable, wobbly carrier. Sounded like a typical unstable Iranian carrier. Slightly off nominal 7105? No //s found. Not // 9480 or 7115. Possible switch to a good transmitter at 0228 when 7105 popped on the air as soon as 7106.8v went off the air. See next log. (Brian Alexander, PA)

7105, VOIRI, *0228-0245+, March 31, good, strong, stable transmitter with lite music. National Anthem at 0230. Talk in unidentified language. Koran at 0237. Weak // 6025 starting at 0228. This does not match any schedule that I have seen. (Brian Alexander, PA)

9495, Voice of Justice, *0129-0155+, March 31, National Anthem. English ID announcements at 0131 followed by Koran. English news at 0139. Good signal. Very good on // 7235-but not on the air until 0134. New frequencies. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6130 Lao National R. 1216-1250 Apr 4. Lady announcer in presumed Lao, with other voices heard occasionally, perhaps a roundtable talk or correspondents' reports - signal not good enough to tell. A music bridge at 1229 was followed by more chat, with exactly one mx selection at 1242. Tuned out at 1250. (John Wilkins-CO)

4677.53 Sam Neua(p) 1219-1230* Apr 3 and Apr 4. Sub-threshold signal with just a scrap of audio here and there; xmtr went off at 1230* both days. Sked and freq fit Sam Neua. Was not able to determine if // to 6130, unfortunately. (John Wilkins-CO)

4760 ELWA (Monrovia), *0556-0603, 4/2/2008, English (?).Interval signal at 0556 followed by talk by man at 0558. Very weak signal with low audio and brutal CODAR interference. Fortunately,interval signal provided the ID. Haven't heard them since January. (Jim Evans, TN)

9635, RTVM, Bamako, *0800-0840, April 4, sign on with French ID announcements. Short bit of local string music. French and vernacular talk after 0801. Some exotic local music at 0830 & vernacular talk. Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)

North Korea
7570.15, Voice of Korea, 2200-2210, March 30, IS. Spanish IDs. National Anthem. Into Spanish programming at 2203. Weak. Poor. Threshold signal on // 12015.13. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6019.45, Radio Victoria,(pres) 2339-2359 Noted a very weak signal here, with a male in Spanish comments. We think the male was preaching, judging from his tone an nuances while talking. Freq is clear of QRM for the moment; however, at about 2354 a carrier comes up to block the frequency. (Chuck Bolland, April 4, 2008)

4746.90, Radio Huanta Dos Mil,(pres) 1025-1035 Noted two females in Spanish conversation. At 1029 music presented. Female returns to the microphone at 1034 with more comments. No ID heard during listening period. Signal was fair fading to threshold. (Chuck Bolland, March 30, 2008)

6019.45, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0455-0520, March 28, Spanish religious talk. ID at 0457. National Anthem at 0502. Local religious music at 0505 & emotional preacher at 0508. Fair signal. // 9720.06-weak. Why the National Anthem at 0502? (Brian Alexander, PA)

6925 WHYP. 2315-2341*. 4 Apr 08. English. The first log of Mr. Brownyard’s station since Halloween, 2005. James Brownyard and Uncle Schleckstien with IDs and a promise to return to the air soon. Music by Styx and an instrumental blues tune. Nice to hear this station again. Fair. (Joe Wood, TN).

3431.19, The Crystal Ship, 0010-0022, March 31, rock music. ID. Contact information. Belfast, NY mail drop. Said they were running 150 watts. Weak. Much stronger on // 6700.09. (Brian Alexander, PA)

6080 Radio Singapore Int'l 1351-1400* Mar 29. In English with a feature on mushrooms, followed by a three-minute news bulletin at 1355; close-down anmt at 1359 said // 6150 would continue with Mediacorp Radio, which it did. Both freqs very good here. R. Australia in EG took over 6080 at 1400 after RSI shut down. (Wilkins-CO)

6185 Radio Singapore Int'l 1320-1400* Mar 30. Chinese programming // 6000 (Cuba QRM) with pop music to 1340, then a couple of talk segments; ID at 1356 exactly per WRTH ("Xingapo guoji guangbo diantai..."); closedown anmt and another ID at 1359; off at 1400 leaving the freq to Pyongyang with IS and KR xmsn // 9850. No sign of Huayi on 6185. (John Wilkins-CO)

7200 Republic of Sudan Radio (Omdurman), 0400-0430, 4/3/2008, Arabic. Time pips on the hour followed by fanfare and news by man. Occasional mention of Sudan. Soon joined by a second, possibly field reporter. Relatively good signal (SINPO 34333) until 0422, when a strong unmodulated carrier appeared. Sudan could still be heard under it, but was lost when Radio Bulgaria signed on at 0430. (Jim Evans, TN)

(non). via France, 11850, Radio Taiwan International, via Issoudun, 1710-1745+, March 28, English programming. IDs. Program about Taiwan elections. Music program. "Taiwan Outlook" at 1738. Poor to fair. Scheduled to move to 11705 for A08. (Brian Alexander, PA)

12120 NF, Radio Thailand, *0030-0055, March 31, ex-12095. English news, commentary. Fair to good signal strength at sign on but co-channel QRM from a slightly stronger RTTYYstation. Thailand slowly deteriorated to a very weak level under the strong RTTY signal by 0050. (Brian Alexander, PA)

United Kingdom
BBCWS 13865 1848 English 444 March 30 Announcer with comments on Colombia. Also an interview on Latin America. Also an item on Boxing in Mexico. Announcer's "BBC World Service" identificaiton at at 1854. Evita music vocals at 1858.Suddenly off the air at 1900 with no ID. (Stewart MacKenzie-CA)

United States
WINB 13570 1842 Spanish SIO 333 March 30 Announcers religious sermon in Spanish and English. (Stewart MacKenzie-CA).

4739.61 Son La BC Station(p) 1224-1301 Apr 3. Assorted music and talks (mostly talks) but too weak to determine lang. The style of mx was definitely SE Asian. Deteriorated further after 1300. (John Wilkins-CO)