
Friday, April 04, 2008

Mega DXpeditions Honor Roll

Jari, OH2BU, has put together and maintained an interesting Excel spreadsheet over the last 12 years called - The “Mega DX Peditions Honor Roll”. This Honor Roll listing currently includes data of 114 DXpeditions that have worked 30,000 or more QSOs since 1979. This unique listing includes data on: - A summary on the DXpedition (dates, length, QSOs, stations. etc.) - Information on Logs, Web site, QSL routes and if it is in LoTW - List of operators of the DXpedition - QSO statistics per continents, modes and bands - Also continental, band and mode records. The whole purpose of this listing is to help future DXpeditions in planning their next operation, and to understand the possibilities in making QSOs to different continents and to optimize their efforts. If you are interested in the complete Excel spreadsheet (4 MB), contact Jari, OH2BU at:
[Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #849 March 9, 2008]
(Source: QRZ? Ham Radi Corner-ODXA Listening-In, April 2008)