
Friday, April 18, 2008

New NASWA Yahoo Mail Group

Dan Ferguson announces the formation of the NASWA Yahoo Mail Group. This group is for, and limited to, members/contributors to NASWA Journal and other NASWA publications to discuss reception of shortwave radio broadcast, propgram content, propagation and equipment.

Discussions should be related to any aspect of the hobby from reception conditions, loggings, program content, hot news and information, as well as radio equipment and accessories. In other words, the same type of material that you would see in the Journal or the Flashsheet.

Please keep in mind that loggings, QSL news, schedule changes should also be reported to the approropriate column editor of the Journal for publication.

This forum is supplement to, not a replacement of The Journal. With your request to join, please leave your name, location, and enough information in the comment box so the moderator can determine that you are a NASWA member/contributor.

Whatever you say in the comment box is seen only by members of the group.

Subscribe by going to: . Thanks to Dan for launching this exciting new venture for the club. The rest is up to you, the membership, to determine the success of this operation.
(Source: Rich D'Angelo-NASWA Notes/NASWA Journal April 2008)

For NASWA membership info consult: or write to: NASWA, 45 Wildflower Road, Levittown, PA 19057 USA