
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Blog Logs - Bolivia

All times UTC


3390.29, Radio Emisoras Camargo, Camargo, 0000-0027, May 15 and 16, mix of music and talk, sounded like it was still there at 0053, but definitely gone by 0110 recheck. Just not strong enough to dig it out of the noise. (Valko and Wilkner)

4005.50, Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza, 2310-0330, May 17 and 22, catholic ceremony in Spanish, Santa Missa, Oracion, ID: "R.Virgen de Remedios en FM 79.5 y onda corta desde Tupiza, Bolivia", 2359 relay WEWN, programme: "Con los ojos de Maria", 25322. Ex 4111 kHz at 2325, 2340, 2349 was off. (Aragão, Bobrowiec and Cássio). Unfortunately here in Denmark the Vatican R is blocking the frequency 4005. At 2300-2330* it has Italian, then one hour with their open carrier QSA 5, and then from *0030 programme in Portuguese. (Petersen)

4409.81, Radio Eco, Reyes, 0110-0225*, May 15 and 17, Spanish ann, LA romantic songs, 35333. (Petersen and Valko)

4699.40, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 1020-1030, May 18, music with Spanish comments afterwards. Signal's peak period has already passed with it now being almost threshold; and by 1030, signal almost having disappeared. (Bolland). Also heard at 0130-0150, May 20 and 22, Spanish ann, Andean pop songs, 35232. (Petersen)

4716.70, Radio Yura, Aillu Yura, 0135-0145, May 22, Spanish ann, pop songs, 25222. (Petersen). Also heard 0919-0933, May 21, local pop and folk music alternating short ann in Spanish, and numerous canned IDs “...transmitindo en 4715KHz...”. Earlier, good 34433. (Bobrowiec)

4800, UNID (Radio Virgen de Remedios, Tupiza ?), 2240-0315, May 20 and 21, many mentions in Spanish of Bolivia in a news programme "Bolivia en Contacto" with reports from some cities "bloqueo de carreteras en Cochabamba y otras cidades". At 2302 suddenly a religious music and preacher (with that reverbaration from a church, sounding like R Virgen de Remedios) in religious ceremony in memory for some dead persons, mentioning their names. At 0004, it had returned to that kind of audio heard when it was "Bolivia en Contacto", mentioning "Radio Catolica Mundial". Relay R Católica Mundial-WEWN with ID, but no IDs heard of R Virgen de Remedios, 32322, QRM China. (Aragão and Bobrowiec)

5580.2, Radio San José, San José de Chiquitos, 2230-0010, May 15 and 24, Spanish, songs and music, advs (p), some utility interference, 25332. (Gonçalves and Wilkner)

5952.4, Radio Pío XII, Siglo XX, 2346-2358, May 24, Quechua talks, tunes, 34443. (Gonçalves)

5964, Radio Nacional de Huanuni (?), 0747-0809 (blocked), May 21, Spanish, ballads, news at 0800, 15431, then suddenly blocked by Vatican R in Italian on 5965. (Gonçalves)

6134.80, Radio Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 0923-0940, May 19 and 21, Spanish comments and regional music, ann: "Disfrútala en el dial... Oriental" and "5.50, 5.55 bolivianos, la arroba.. Cochabamba...". More information at: , 23332. (Bolland and Cruz)

6155.1, Radio Fides, La Paz, 2219, May 24, Spanish talks, interview, 14341, adjacent QRM from Brazil 6150, // 9624.8 which was worse. (Gonçalves)

9624.5, Radio Fides, La Paz, 2215, May 24, Spanish talks, 12441, QRM from Canada 9625, // 6155.1.(Gonçalves)
(Source: DSWCI/DX Window #351 via Anker Petersen, Denmark