
Monday, May 05, 2008

Blog Logs - pirate radio

Thanks to the pirate fans from Free Radio Weekly. The following represent a sampling from the last two newsletter.
Gayle VH

All times UTC // parallel frequency * sign-on sign-off*
Captain Morgan 6924.8u 4/23/8 2:23 SIO 444 Music clips of Hendrix "Hey Joe", "One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer", "Three More Bottles of Beer", TZ theme at 02:35 (Fansome, PA)

Dit Dah Radio
6925USB 4/25 2259-2320 A station that makes all its announcement using manual morse code (CW). The songs played have the words dit and dah in the lyrics. Fair/Good signal (Majewski CT)

Mash Up Radio 6925 4/19/8 23:23 sio434, "Ghostbusters/Bad", ID andthen off (Fansome, PA)

Moonshine Radio
6925USB 4/26-27 2347-0004 English. Very nice music from the 80s and 90s. Lady announcer, Moonshine ID to male announcer, Lawnmower, with a parody of two pirate operators with similar names. Nice show. S5/fair-good signal quality. (Wood, TN)

Northwoods Radio
6925USB 4/25 234--0130 Good signal. The show started with the Loon call ID. The show played the music of the group "Bomb" with an interview with a member, Mike Dean. (Majewski CT)
Radio Madness
6925U, 4/22, 0140 Here with long guitar-hero metal,although I didn't know the songs. Strong for about 10-20 min, but the signal faded quick.Heard one break between songs where there were about 3-4 clear IDs. I have a recording if theop is interested(A. Yoder, PA)

The Crystal Ship
5385.5 AM 2353-0152+ 4/20-21/08 SIO=343/242-. Prgm of rock with music by The Doors, but over a dozen selections were various classic rock tunes by The Who. During the latter portion of the prgm they had their usual political commentary on issues of the day from a left wing perspective.Announcer's IDs used their usual slogan of the Voice of the Blue States Republic.IDs by a lady announcer had a different slogan of "this is pirate radio." Announced parallel transmitter on 6700 kHz, but 6700 produced little here other than a weak het. Fair to good signal on 5385.5, with some fading down at times.Gave Belfast maildrop address. (G. Zeller-OH)
The Wave
6925USB 2337-2349* 4/19/08 SIO-242. Repeat of 2219 4/19 program, with a better level this time. Still hrd no address announced. (G. Zeller-OH)

Voice of Prozac
6955, 4/19, 2030* SIO:344 Just caught the end of theshow with repeated IDs and the address Thanks to stn op for helpwith the ID & the "" part of the e-mail! (Yoder,PA)

WMPR (tenative)
6925 4/27 0144 Pirate playing techno music generally associated with WMPR, but no ID heard. Fair. (Wood, TN)

Wolverine Radio
6925.0USB. *0248:14-0258*, 23-Apr; 4 oldies ID & off. SIO=3+44, Rattatat bursts at 0255+ (H. Frodge, MI)

WTCR - 20th Century Radio
6925USB 0015-0132* , some great 60's Motown rock such as the Rolling Stones (I Cant Get No Satisfaction, and others such as Marvin Gaye etc...Gave the maildrop adress via P.O. Box 1, Belfast NY address (E. Kusalik, CAN)
(Source: FRW # 637 via Bill Finn & # 638 via Greg Majewski)

Additional pirate loggings:
3934.92 Euro-Radio Rainbow, 2307-2325, 4/25, in English. Announcer's text to pop songs alternating with DJ's talk. IDs during talk segments (mostly unclear), QRN strong statics. (Giovanni Serra, Italy/NASWA Flasheet 327 via Rich d'Angelo,PA)

6850USB MAC Radio, 5/1, 2357-0055, Beatles music and Small Child as the DJ. (Rohde-OH/NASWA Flasheet 327 via Rich d'Angelo,PA)

6925USB KBLU (presumed). 0049. 2 May 08. English. Presumed reception of this pirate playing electric blues with a hard driving beat. Partial ID. VOX and music almost unreadable. Poor. (J. Wood, TN)