
Monday, May 05, 2008

A closer look at Iran's VOIRI website

Voice of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB) or

The first link given above leads to a very clean, modern page which provides links to IRIB in 27 different languages, as well as several live audio streams in different languages. The live audio streams appear to be offered in both Real Media and Windows Media format. Clicking on English opens the second URL given above, “IRIB World Service – English Radio”. Across the top are links to Home, About Us, and Contact Us, which now includes postal, telephone, and fax information in addition to an email address (and online form). The left side of the page has a wide variety of headings and featurettes, primarily focused on a Main Menu (including a comprehensive Sitemap – good work!) and World Service area (language selector).
Most important for us is a link marked Frequency & Timetable, which also includes target areas and internet-/satellite-only broadcasts. On the right side of the page are more featurettes, while the centre consists of five primary news stories, around twenty supplementary news items, and Commentaries. IRIB’s content is not typical western fare, so it will appeal to some users more than others. For a less politically charged approach, take the time to discover the excellent musical and cultural offerings – IRIB provides numerous audio streams over the internet.

The site has benefited from several small changes since last year, and is an interesting spot to visit.
(Source: Click! ODXA-Listening-In, May 2008)